mips-cpu - A MIPS CPU written in Verilog
An implementation of a MIPS CPU written in Verilog. This project is in very early stages and currently only implements the most basic functionality of a MIPS CPU.
32-bit MIPS processor
implemented in Verilog
5 stage pipeline
static branch not taken branch predictor
branch detection in decode (stage 2)
supports stalls to avoid read after write (RAW) and other hazards
can forward from memory (stage 4) and write back (stage 5) to avoid stalls
Much of the design was inspired by the book "Computer Organization and Design" by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy (4th ed. 2008).
This project also includes a full set of test benches. These are invaluable as a quick check to verify that new changes have not disrupted previously working functionality.
This code has been tested under Debian Linux using the Icarus Verilog compiler version 0.9.6.
All the tests are placed in the verilog/test/
directory and
are run using make commands.
To run all the tests type make test
from the test/
$ cd veriolog/test
$ make test
Or to run an individual test, cd
to that specific directory
and run make test
$ cd verilog/test/01-no_hazard/
$ make test
The test benches are written in Verilog and the files are
named with a _tb
at the end. When the test bench is run
it uses $display statements to produce output which is saved
to a file (.out). This output can then be diffed against the
.check file to see if it was correct.
Note that since many variables are output a design change could create a difference which is not necessarily a failure. In cases such as these this is a sign that the result should be reviewed more closely (in a simulator) to verify that it is correct. And then a new .check can be generated from the output.
Jeremiah Mahler jmmahler@gmail.com
Copyright © 2013, Jeremiah Mahler. All Rights Reserved.
This project is free software and released under
the GNU General Public License.