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@dhil dhil released this 02 Jun 11:39
· 173 commits to master since this release



This minor release fixes a few bugs.

MVU library is now distributed as part of Links

The JavaScript dependencies of the MVU library are now correctly
installed alongside Links. As a result the MVU examples now work
out-of-the-box following a fresh install of Links. For instance, the
following command will now successfully run the TODO example:

$ linx $OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/share/links/examples/mvu/todomvc/todoMVC.links

Limited support for regular expressions in SQL where clauses

Links now support compilation of regular expressions in SQL where
clauses, however, only for regular expressions that can be translated
to SQL LIKE clauses. Consider the following example.

# Suppose we had configured two tables as follows
#  insert staff values (name, dept)
#    [(name = "Alice", dept = "math"),
#     (name = "Bob", dept = "computer science"),
#     (name = "Carol", dept = "dentistry")];
#  insert depts values (name, coffee_budget)
#    [(name = "mathematics", coffee_budget = 10000),
#     (name = "computer science", coffee_budget = 20000),
#     (name = "dentistry", coffee_budget = 30000)]

query flat {
  for (s <-- staff)
    for (d <-- depts)
       where ( =~ /.*{s.dept}.*/)
         [(name =, dept =, coffee_budget = d.coffee_budget)]

When s is bound to the record (name = "Alice", dept = "math") the
regular expression .*{s.dept}.* will match the department record
with name = "mathematics", and thus the query yields

[ (coffee_budget = 10000, dept = "mathematics", name = "Alice")
, (coffee_budget = 20000, dept = "computer science", name = "Bob")
, (coffee_budget = 30000, dept = "dentistry", name = "Carol") ]

Other fixes

  • Compatibility with OCaml 4.12 (thanks to @kit-ty-kate).
  • The webserver now correctly sends HTTP responses with code 500 for errors.
  • Various internal improvements.