What is the issue?
Version 2025.3.1 fails to start in our AWS EKS cluster. It has the same error as #13760, but different versions of linkerd-cni.
How can it be reproduced?
Deploy the helm chart for linkerd-cni v2025.3.1 to an EKS cluster already running linkerd-cni v2025.2.3.
Logs, error output, etc
This k8s event is associated with the first linkerd-cni pod started as part of the DaemonSet rollout.
5m13s Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox pod/linkerd-cni-ltrn6 Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox "41b3c75a4675a1d9b923e011ae1d4ba1c11792ffe67bbcf73d443bfbeb58111b": plugin type="linkerd-cni" name="linkerd-cni" failed (add): Unauthorized
output of linkerd check -o short
This command doesn't complete because the rollout is stuck on the first pod.
- Kubernetes version: AWS 1.31
- Linkerd Version: v2.17.1
- Linkerd CNI version: v2025.3.1
Possible solution
No response
Additional context
I've attempted to replace one node during the upgrade, but have not been successful in getting this version of linkerd to start.
Would you like to work on fixing this bug?