What problem are you trying to solve?
The problem is that Linkerd's current circuit breaker configuration is applied at the service level, which lacks granularity. This means all traffic to a service is treated the same, regardless of the specific HTTP route. In scenarios where certain routes are more error-prone or sensitive to failures, it's crucial to define circuit breaker policies tailored to each route. This granularity would allow for better resilience and fault isolation, improving the overall reliability of the system.
How should the problem be solved?
The problem can be solved by introducing the ability to configure circuit breaker policies per HTTP route.
Desired Outcome:
- Circuit breaker policies can be defined per HTTP route, allowing fine-grained control over traffic behavior.
- Failed requests to specific routes trigger the circuit breaker without affecting other routes within the same service.
Any alternatives you've considered?
- Client libraries for Circuit Breakers in application code
- Using Circuit Breakers in other API Gateways
- Split a service into multiple services, each representing a different route
How would users interact with this feature?
No response
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