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Sensible multi-project defaults for Gradle

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Sensible multi-project defaults for Gradle

The scripts here provides a simple way to configure a Java project with sensible defaults. By applying them, you can:

  • Manage dependencies using a simple TOML file that is fully compatible with Gradle version catalogs.
  • Configure Checkstyle and JaCoCo code coverage.
  • Add Javadoc offline links easily.
  • Add Google Analytics scripts into Javadoc if googleAnalyticsId property exists.
  • Generate Maven BOM (Bill of Materials).
  • Sign and deploy artifacts to a Maven repository.
  • Embedding version properties into a JAR.
  • Tag a Git repository with a Gradle task.
  • Shade some dependencies into the main JAR and strip unreferenced classes so that it does not get too large.

Table of Contents


  1. Run gradle wrapper to set up a new project.

    $ mkdir myproject
    $ cd myproject
    $ gradle wrapper
    $ ls
  2. Copy everything in this directory into <project_root>/gradle/scripts. If copied correctly, you should see the following ls command output:

    $ ls gradle/scripts
  3. Add settings.gradle to apply settings-flags.gradle: = 'myproject'
    apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts/settings-flags.gradle"
    includeWithFlags ':foo', 'java', 'publish'
    includeWithFlags ':bar', 'java'

    Unlike an ordinary settings.gradle, it uses a special directive called includeWithFlags which allows applying one or more flags to a project. Both project foo and bar have the java flag, which denotes a Java project. Project foo also has the publish flag, which means its artifact will be published to a Maven repository.

  4. Add build.gradle:

    plugins {
        id '' version '1.6.2' apply false
        id 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' version '1.1.0' apply false
    apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts/build-flags.gradle"

    Note that you have to apply build-flags.gradle only to the top-level build.gradle.

  5. Add that contains the necessary information to publish your artifacts to a Maven repository:

    projectName=My Example
    projectDescription=My example project
    authorName=John Doe
    licenseName=The Apache License, Version 2.0
  6. That's all. You now have two Java subprojects with sensible defaults. In the following sections, you'll learn how to make your project more useful.

Dependency management

Put your dependency versions into <project_root>/dependencies.toml so you don't need to put the version numbers in build.gradle. The dependencies.toml file supports the same syntax as Gradle's libs.versions.toml. In addition, it also supports additional properties such as:

  • boms: A table to manages a list of BOM dependencies.
  • relocations: A table or an array of tables to relocate specific dependencies to a new location.
  • exclusions: A string or an array of strings to exclude specific dependencies from the module.
  • javadocs: A string or an array of strings to link to external Javadocs.
# Import 'armeria-bom':
armeria = { module = "com.linecorp.armeria:armeria-bom", version = "1.17.0" }

# Simple form:
findbugs = { module = "", version = '3.0.2' }

# Slightly more verbose, but useful when an artifact has more than one property:
module = ""
version = '31.1.1-jre'
exclusions = [
relocations = [
  { from = "", to = "com.linecorp.armeria.internal.shaded.guava" },
  { from = "", to = "com.linecorp.armeria.internal.shaded.publicsuffix" }]

reactor = "3.4.19"

module = "io.projectreactor:reactor-core"
# Reference the version declared in `[versions]`:
version.ref = "reactor"
javadocs = ""
module = "io.projectreactor:reactor-test"
version.ref = "reactor"

Dependencies declared in dependencies.toml are exposed to build scripts via an extension corresponding to their name.

plugins {
    alias libs.plugins.osdetector apply false

allprojects {
    repositories {

apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts/build-flags.gradle"

// Configure all Java projects.
configure(projectsWithFlags('java')) {
    // Common dependencies
    dependencies {
      compileOnly libs.findbugs
      implementation libs.guava

// In case you need to get the version number of an artifact:
println "Guava version: ${libs.guava.get().versionConstraint.requiredVersion}"
// Note that it is not recommended to use `managedVersions` with the module defined multiple times with 
// different aliases. Because if a module is declared with different versions, the version returned by 
// `managedVersions` is determined by how the version catalogs are indexed.
println "Guava version: ${managedVersions['']}"

Importing Maven BOM (Bill of Materials)

At dependencies.toml, you can add a special section called boms to specify the list of Maven BOMs to import:

armeria = { module = "com.linecorp.armeria:armeria-bom", version = "1.17.0" }

# A dependency that uses the version defined in 'armeria-bom'.
module = "com.linecorp.armeria:armeria"

Checking if dependencies are up-to-date

gradle-versions-plugin is applied so you can conveniently check if your dependencies are out of date:

$ ./gradlew dependencyUpdates
The following dependencies have later integration versions:
 - [17.0 -> 30.1.1-jre]

Built-in properties and functions

All projects will get the following extension properties:

  • artifactId - the artifact ID auto-generated from the project name.

    • e.g. When is foo:

      • The artifact ID of :bar becomes foo-bar.
      • The artifact ID of :bar:qux becomes foo-bar-qux
    • You can override the artifact ID of a certain project via the artifactIdOverrides extension property:

      ext {
          // Change the artifactId of project ':bar' from 'foo-bar' to 'fubar'.
          artifactIdOverrides = [
              ':bar': 'fubar'
  • copyrightFooter - the copyright footer HTML fragment generated from inceptionYear, authorUrl and authorName in

    • e.g. &copy; Copyright 2015&ndash;2018 <a href="">John Doe</a>. All rights reserved.
  • gitPath - the path to the git command. null if Git is not available.

  • executeGit(...args) - executes a Git command with the specified arguments

  • hasSourceDirectory(name) - tells if the project has any source directory that matches <projectDir>/src/*/<name>, e.g.

    if (project.ext.hasSourceDirectory('thrift')) {
        println "${project} contains Thrift source files."

Using flags

In build.gradle, you can retrieve the flags you specified with includeWithFlags in settings.gradle:

// Getting the flags of a project:
allprojects {
    println "Project '${project.path}' has flags: ${project.flags}"

// Finding the projects which have certain flags:
def javaProjects = projectsWithFlags('java')
def publishedJavaProjects = projectsWithFlags('java', 'publish')

// Configuring all Java projects:
configure(projectsWithFlags('java')) {
    // Checking whether a project has certain set of flags.
    if (project.hasFlags('publish')) {
        assert project.hasFlags('java', 'publish')
        println "A Java project '${project.path}' will be published to a Maven repository."

// Running a certain task after all Java projects are evaluated:
afterProjectsWithFlag('java') { Set<Project> projects ->
    println 'All Java projects have been evaluated: ${projects}'
afterProjectsWithFlags(['java', 'relocated']) { Set<Project> projects ->
    println 'All Java projects with class relocation have been evaluated: ${projects}'

If you added the snippet above to build.gradle, ./gradlew will show the following output:

$ ./gradlew
> Configure project :
Project ':' has flags: []
Project ':bar' has flags: [java]
Project ':foo' has flags: [java, publish]
A Java project ':foo' will be published to a Maven repository.

Note that a flag can be any arbitrary string; you can define your own flags.

Built-in flags

Some flags, such as java, are used for configuring your projects automatically:

  • java - Makes a project build a Java source code
  • publish - Makes a project publish its artifact to a Maven repository
  • bom - Makes a project publish Maven BOM based on dependencies.toml
  • shade, relocate and trim - Makes a Java project produce an additional 'shaded' JAR
  • reactor-grpc, rxgrpc, kotlin-grpc or krotodc-grpc - Enables reactor-grpc, rxgrpc, kotlin-grpc or krotodc-grpc support to the project

We will learn what these flags exactly do in the following sections.

Building Java projects with java flag

When a project has a java flag:

  • The following plugins are applied automatically:

    • java plugin
    • eclipse plugin
    • idea plugin
  • The archivesBaseName is set from the artifact ID of the project.

  • Java source and target compatibility options are set from

  • Source and Javadoc JARs are generated when:

    • Explicitly requested as a task
    • Publishing to a Maven repository
  • Full exception logging is enabled for tests.

  • JUnit platform is enabled for tests if the project depends on junit-jupiter-engine.

  • Checkstyle validation is enabled using checkstyle plugin if Checkstyle configuration file exists at <project_root>/settings/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml

    • A new task called lint is added to all projects with Checkstyle enabled.
      • Consider adding dependency tasks to the lint task to do other jobs such as static analysis.
    • A special configuration property checkstyleConfigDir is set so you can access the external files such as suppressions.xml from checkstyle.xml.
    • You can choose Checkstyle version by specifying it in dependencies.toml:
      checkstyle = { module = "", version = "10.3.1" }
    • Checkstyle can be disabled completely by specifying -PnoLint option.
  • Test coverage report is enabled using jacoco plugin if -Pcoverage option is specified.

    • You can exclude certain packages from the coverage report using the jacocoExclusions property:

      rootProject {
          ext {
              jacocoExclusions = [
  • The package-list files of the Javadocs specified in dependencies.toml will be downloaded and cached. The downloaded package-list files will be used when generating Javadocs, e.g. in dependencies.toml:

    module = "io.grpc:grpc-core"
    version = "1.47.0"
    javadocs = [ "",
                 "" ]

    If you are in an environment with restricted network access, you can specify -PofflineJavadoc option to disable the downloads.

  • The .proto files under src/*/proto will be compiled into Java code with protobuf-gradle-plugin.

    • A new task called generateSources is added to all projects with .proto files.

      • Consider adding dependency tasks to the generateSources task to do other source generation jobs.
    • You need to add to dependencies.toml to get this to work.

    • Add to dependencies.toml to specify the compiler version.

    • Add io.grpc:grpc-core if you want to add gRPC plugin to the compiler.

      module = ""
      version = "0.8.18"
      module = ""
      version = "3.19.2"
  • The .thrift files under src/*/thrift will be compiled into Java code.

    • A new task called generateSources is added to all projects with .thrift files.

      • Consider adding dependency tasks to the generateSources task to do other source generation jobs.
    • Thrift compiler 0.16 will be used by default. Override thriftVersion property if you prefer 0.9:

      ext {
          thriftVersion = '0.9'
          disableThriftJson() // Because Thrift 0.9 does not support JSON target
    • You can also override the source and include directories:

      ext {
          thriftSrcDirs = ["$projectDir/src/main/foo"]
          thriftIncludeDirs = ["$projectDir/src/main/foo-include"]
          testThriftSrcDirs = ["$projectDir/src/test/bar"]
          testThriftIncludeDirs = ["$projectDir/src/test/bar-include"]

Overriding JDK version

The scripts use Toolchains to build a Java project. It uses Adoptium OpenJDK 19 by default. If you want to use a different JDK version, you can specify buildJdkVersion gradle property:

$ ./gradlew build -PbuildJdkVersion=11

You can also specify a different JRE version to run the tests via testJavaVersion gradle property:

$ ./gradlew test -PbuildJdkVersion=15 -PtestJavaVersion=8

Publishing to Maven repository with publish flag

  • Make sure <project_root>/ and ~/.gradle/ are configured with correct publish settings.

    • For example, if <project_root>/ has the following:


      ~/.gradle/ must have the following:

  • PGP signing of artifacts is enabled if publishSignatureRequired property is true in

    • You need to configure signing plugin properly to use this feature.
    • Artifacts are signed only when -Psign option is specified or the artifact version does not end with -SNAPSHOT.
  • For the projects with java flag:

    • Generates META-INF/<groupId> which contains some useful build information:

      myproject-foo.commitDate=2018-01-23 19\:14\:12 +0900
  • If Gradle Nexus Publish Plugin is enabled in <project_root>/build.gradle, staging function is used to publish the artifacts. It is great for publishing your open source to Sonatype, and then to Maven Central, in a fully automated fashion.

    // in build.gradle
    plugins {
      id 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' version '1.1.0'

Generating Maven BOM with bom flag

If you configure a project with bom flag, the project will be configured to generate Maven BOM based on the dependencies specified in dependencies.toml.

bom flag implies publish flag, which means the BOM will be uploaded to a Maven repository by ./gradlew publish.

// settings.gradle
includeWithFlags ':bom', 'bom'

If you want to publish multiple boms with different subprojects, you can use the bomGroups extension property. Specify each bom's name with the subprojects:

ext {
    bomGroups = [
            ':module1': [':module1:submodule1', ':module1:submodule2'],
            ':module2': [':module2:submodule1', ':module2:submodule2']

Sharing dependency versions with version-catalog flag

If you configure a project with the version-catalog flag, the project will be configured to publish version catalog based on the dependencies specified in dependencies.toml.

The version-catalog flag also implies publish flag, which means the libs.versions.toml will be uploaded to a Maven repository by ./gradlew publish.

// settings.gradle
includeWithFlags ':version-catalog', 'version-catalog'

Building shaded JARs with shade flag

Let's say you have a project that depends on a very old version of Guava and you want to distribute the artifact that shades Guava to avoid the dependency version conflict with other projects that uses the latest version of Guava.

You can generate a shaded JAR very easily by adding shade flag:

// settings.gradle = 'myproject'

apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts/settings-flags.gradle"

includeWithFlags ':foo', 'java', 'shade'

You need to add relocations property to dependencies.toml to tell which dependency needs shading:

module = ""
version = "17.0" # What an ancient dependency!
relocations [ { from: "", to: "com.doe.john.myproject.shaded.guava" },
              { from: "", to: "com.doe.john.myproject.shaded.publicsuffix" } ]

Unshaded tests are disabled by default when a shading task is configured. If you want to run unshaded tests, you can specify -PpreferShadedTests=false option.

If you would like to remove specific files when shading the JAR, you may specify the -PshadowExclusions=<comma delimited files> option.

Trimming a shaded JAR with trim flag

If you shade many dependencies, your JAR will grow huge, even if you only use a fraction of the classes in shaded dependencies. Use trim instead of shade, then ProGuard plugin will strip the unused classes from the shaded JAR:

// settings.gradle
// ...
includeWithFlags ':foo', 'java', 'trim' // 'trim' implies 'shade'.

You also need to configure the trimShadedJar task to tell ProGuard which classes and members should not be stripped:

// build.gradle
configure(projectsWithFlags('trim')) {
    tasks.trimShadedJar.configure {
        // Trim the classes under the shaded packages only.
        keep "class !com.doe.john.myproject.shaded.**,com.doe.john.myproject.** { *; }"
        // Whitelist the classes from Caffeine since it uses unsafe field access.
        keep "class com.doe.john.myproject.shaded.caffeine.** { *; }"

See ProGuard plugin manual for more information.

Shading a multi-module project with relocate flag

  1. Choose the core or common project which will contain the shaded classes. Add trim or shade flag to it and relocate flag to the others:

    // settings.gradle
    // ...
    includeWithFlags ':common', 'java', 'trim'
    includeWithFlags ':client', 'java', 'relocate'
    includeWithFlags ':server', 'java', 'relocate'
  2. Add the shaded dependencies to all subprojects:

    // <project_root>/build.gradle
    // ...
    configure(projectsWithFlags('java')) {
        dependencies {
            // Except ':common' itself.
            if (project != project(':common')) {
                compile project(':common')

Setting a Java target version with the java(\\d+) flag.

By default, setting the java flag compiles a module targeting minimum compatibility with the Java version specified by javaTargetCompatibility. javaTargetCompatibility is Java 8 by default if unspecified. However, it is possible that certain modules need to be compiled targeting a higher Java version than others.

Assume that :moduleA requires at least Java 17 to compile, whereas :moduleB requires Java 8. If ./gradlew assemble is naively invoked on the root project with Java 8, :moduleA would fail to compile since it requires at least Java 17. This makes it difficult to test if :moduleB runs correctly with Java 8.

In such case, users may add a java17 flag which provides the following functionalities:

  • Ensure that the target module is compiled to target minimum compatibility with Java 17.
  • Skip tasks which require a JRE version lower than the target version.
    • Most notably, tests will be skipped if the JRE version is lower than 17.

The flag may be added like the following:

// settings.gradle
// ...
includeWithFlags ':moduleA', 'java17'
includeWithFlags ':moduleB', 'java'

Note that if the target Java version is greater than the build JDK version, an UnsupportedClassVersionError may be raised.

Plus, you can use -PminimumJavaVersion property to override the minimum version of javaTargetCompatibility set by java flag. For example, if you set -PminimumJavaVersion=11, javaTargetCompatibility lower than Java 11 will be upgraded to Java 11.

Setting a Kotlin target version with the kotlin(\\d+\\.\\d+) flag.

By default, kotlin flag compiles a Kotlin module with the language and API version specified by Kotlin Gradle plugin. However, if you want to compile a Kotlin module with a different language version and API version, you can use kotlin(\\d+\\.\\d) flag.

For example, kotlin1.6 flag makes your Kotlin module compatible with language version 1.6 and API version 1.6.

Automatic module names

By specifying the automaticModuleNames=true property in settings.gradle, every java project's JAR file will contain the Automatic-Module-Name property in its MANIFEST.MF, auto-generated from the group ID and artifact ID. For example:

  • groupId: com.example, artifactId: foo-bar
    • module name:
  • groupId:, artifactId: foo-bar
    • module name:

If enabled, each project with java flag will have the automaticModuleName property.

You can override the automatic module name of a certain project via the automaticModuleNameOverrides extension property:

ext {
    // Change the automatic module name of project ':bar' to 'com.example.fubar'.
    automaticModuleNameOverrides = [
        ':bar': 'com.example.fubar'

Tagging conveniently with release task

The task called release is added at the top level project. It will update the version property in to a release version, create a tag and update the version property again to a next version.

$ ./gradlew release -PreleaseVersion=0.0.1 -PnextVersion=0.0.2
Tagged: myproject-0.0.1

By default, the version number must match ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$. You can override this by setting versionPattern property in

# ...
# Regular expression. Note escaped backslashes.

You can add <project_root>/.post-release-msg file to print some additional instructions after tagging:

1. Upload the artifacts to the staging repository:

   git checkout ${tag}
   ./gradlew --no-daemon clean publish

2. Close and release the staging repository at:

3. Update the release note.
4. Deploy the web site.

Note the ${tag}, which is replaced with the tag name. See Groovy SimpleTemplateEngine for the syntax.


Sensible multi-project defaults for Gradle







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