Another multi-cursor plugin for neovim ...
In reality, this works more like a live macro replayer (which is actually how it works; the keystrokes recorded into a macro are played back at each "cursor" position in real time).
Why you don't really need multi-cursor:
- simple edits are usually faster with visual(-block) mode
- complex edits are easy to screw up
- vim substitution (
) +set incsearch
handles a lot of the use cases where you think you need this - same with dot-repeat maybe with
- maybe you should just learn macros
- or use live-command.nvim
What features (or lack thereof) this plugin has:
- no new modes. Existing vim modes mostly just work.
- no new mappings
- there are functions to add cursors that you can assign to mappings though
- many things work
- many things don't work
Changing a bunch of requires to imports in javascript:
Keystrokes: ggVG<a-o>^cwimport<esc>f=dfejifrom <esc>wdsb<esc>
- select everything<a-o>
- my own keymapping to start multi cursor- something like
vim.keymap.set('x', '<a-o>', require('nvim-multi-cursor').start_on_visual)
- something like
- start of linecwimport<esc>
- change the wordconst
- jump to the=
- delete to thee
and select the one labelledj
using flit.nvimifrom <esc>
- insertfrom
- move to next word, inside the bracketsdsb
- delete surrounding brackets using nvim-surround<esc>
- stop multi cursor, callsrequire('nvim-multi-cursor').stop()
There are no mappings provided; however there is one "main" entrypoint to start using multiple cursors and several "helpers" that emulate vim features.
All provided arguments should be 0-indexed (i.e. line/column numbers start at 0).
Here are some example mappings you can use
local NMC = require('nvim-multi-cursor')
-- cursors on start of each selected line; similar to `:help v_b_I`
vim.keymap.set('x', 'I', NMC.visual_block_insert)
-- cursors on end of each selected line; similar to `:help v_b_A`
vim.keymap.set('x', 'A', function()
vim.cmd[[normal! $]]
-- delete selected text and put cursors on each line in insert mode; similar to `:help v_b_c`
vim.keymap.set('x', 'C', NMC.visual_block_change)
-- replace all occurrences of the selected text in this file and put a cursor at each
vim.keymap.set('x', 'gr', function()
vim.cmd[[normal! y]]
local text = vim.fn.getreg('"')
local regex = '\\V'..text:gsub('\\', '\\\\'):gsub('\n', '\\n')
NMC.start_at_regex(regex, true)
require('nvim-multi-cursor').start(positions, anchors, options)
- this is the "main" entrypoint
is a list of cursor positionsanchors
is an optional list of 2-tuples representing the anchor of a visual selection (where the cursor is on the other end)- use this if you are starting in visual mode
- these are ignored if not in visual mode
- if in visual mode and anchors are not provided, then each cursor gets a 1-char selection at the cursor position
a table of options including:register
the register that will be used to record the macro (defaulty
a function that will be called when multi cursor is stopped
- deactivates multi cursor
- returns true if multi cursor is active
- emulates visual block insert (when you press
in visual block mode) - you can make a mapping like
vim.keymap.set('x', 'I', require('nvim-multi-cursor').visual_block_insert)
- multi cursor stops when insert mode stops
- emulates visual block insert (when you press
- emulates visual block append (when you press
in visual block mode) - you can make a mapping like
vim.keymap.set('x', 'A', require('nvim-multi-cursor').visual_block_append)
- multi cursor stops when insert mode stops
- emulates visual block append (when you press
- emulates visual block change (when you press
in visual block mode) - you can make a mapping like
vim.keymap.set('x', 'c', require('nvim-multi-cursor').visual_block_change)
- multi cursor stops when insert mode stops
- emulates visual block change (when you press
- place a cursor on each line in the visual selection
require('nvim-multi-cursor').start_at_regex(regex, replace, range, options)
- place visual selections where
matches (similar-ish to:s/
) regex
the vim regexreplace
set to true to delete the matching text and enter insert mode (as if pressingc
)- multi cursor stops when insert mode stops
2-tuple of a line range to search for matches, otherwise search the whole file- these are 1-indexed
- place visual selections where
Additionally, there is a :NvimMultiCursorRegex[!] REGEX
- this just calls
- but a live preview is shown of where the regex matches as you type it on the command line
- the bang
to true (i.e. it will delete the matching text and enter insert mode)
The following highlight groups can be configured:
the additional cursors. The default is a white underline.NvimMultiCursorVisual
the additional visual ranges. The default is same asVisual
- mappings/commands that are stateful or contextual or asynchronous
- anything that does not behave well with macros
- anything that relies on asynchronous execution, for example:
- note that
feedkeys("...", "t")
does work
- note that
- anything that makes and edits and then immediately switches buffer/window
- jumplist, changelist etc will not work well
- undo "works" most of the time, but occasionally it will not
- there may be more undo breaks/states than expected
- will not work if you have a mapping that does undo/redo and other changes
- pasting works most of the time
- except maybe inside mappings
- backspacing in replace-mode, and similar, does not work
- autoindent in insert mode does not work
- only the following marks are supported, others will not work well
- anything about "previously inserted" text probably doesn't work
- e.g.
toInsert previously inserted text.
- e.g.
- dot repeat somewhat works
- you must have
- but there's probably some broken stuff somewhere
- completion should work most of the time
- nvim-cmp should work most of the time
is disabled by default when recording macros, you have to enable it:require('cmp').setup{ enabled = function() local mc = require('nvim-multi-cursor') local disabled = false disabled = disabled or (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'buftype') == 'prompt') disabled = disabled or (vim.fn.reg_recording() ~= '' and not mc.is_active()) disabled = disabled or (vim.fn.reg_executing() ~= '' and not mc.is_active()) return not disabled end, }
- snippets do not work
- nvim-cmp should work most of the time
- leap.nvim should mostly work
- same goes for flit.nvim
- but does not work for "repeat" mappings e.g.
- nvim-surround mostly works
only applies to the "primary" cursor- e.g. if you do
, the command preview will not be shown on all the other cursors
- e.g. if you do
- probably other stuff