The software retrieves data from a SolarEdge inverter using tcp-modbus and publishes it over mqtt, while drawing charts and updating gauges.
All (modbus) parameters are retrieved in a single call, to reduce network overhead and code complexity. Once processed, the data converted and published to the configured mqtt broker as a json document:
"esp_uptime": 772903,
"C_Manufacturer": "SolarEdge ",
"C_Model": "SE5K-RW0TEBEN4",
"C_Version": "0004.0017.0046",
"C_SerialNumber": "DEADBEEF",
"C_SunSpec_Phase": 103,
"I_AC_Current": 7.78000020980835,
"I_AC_CurrentA": 2.6099998950958252,
"I_AC_CurrentB": 2.5699999332427979,
"I_AC_CurrentC": 2.5999999046325684,
"I_AC_VoltageAB": 399.39999389648438,
"I_AC_VoltageBC": 400.89999389648438,
"I_AC_VoltageCA": 399.70001220703125,
"I_AC_VoltageAN": 230.69999694824219,
"I_AC_VoltageBN": 230.80000305175781,
"I_AC_VoltageCN": 231.39999389648438,
"I_AC_Power": 1787.0999755859375,
"I_AC_Frequency": 49.959999084472656,
"I_AC_VA": 1798.199951171875,
"I_AC_VAR": -199.67999267578125,
"I_AC_PF": -99.379997253417969,
"I_AC_Energy_WH": 5691921,
"I_AC_Energy_WH_24H": 12310,
"I_DC_Current": 2.4189999103546143,
"I_DC_Voltage": 750,
"I_DC_Power": 1814.300048828125,
"I_Temp_Sink": 47.3499984741211,
"I_Status": 4,
"I_Status_Vendor": 0
See sunspec.h or sunspec.txt for information about the items above
Additional messages are published on the broker (internal temperature and Lifetime Energy production) to make integration with homeassistant easy.
i_ac_energy_wh/state 5691921
i_temp_sink/state 47
Using a serial connection over USB, you can configure the settings for wifi, mqtt and the address of the inverter:
Available commands:
- List of available commandsreset
- clear the internal configurationreboot
- call esp_restart() to reboot the esp hardware and activate new configurationinfo
- show the current configurationsave
- write the configuration to nvs, should be done after wifi/mqtt/modbus commandswifi
- configure wifi parametersmqtt
- configure mqtt parametersmodbus
- configure modbus parameters
wifi -s <ssid> -p <password> [-u wpa2-username] [-i wpa2-identity]
mqtt -m <mqtt-uri> [-u mqtt-user] [-p mqtt-password] [-t topic] [-f publish-frequency] [-h topic-for-homeassistant]
modbus -i <inverter-ip-address> [-p modus-port-number]
For example:
cfg> wifi -s HomeNetwork -p ZaQxSw321
cfg> mqtt -m mqtt://
cfg> modbus -i -p 1502
cfg> save
Configuration saved. Reboot to activate
cfg> reboot
Two targets are available: ESP32 and ESP32S3
Headless esp32 with just mqtt and modbus. Missing all the fancy lvgl graphics. set-target esp32 build flash monitor
Uses a Sunton ESP32-S3 800x480 Capacitive touch display to also display semi-realtime stats. set-target esp32s3 build flash monitor
- Display case and stand STL files.
- Uses LVGL, esp_lcd_panel_rgb and esp_lcd_touch_gt911 from the Espressif component registry.
All data is volatile, the measurements for the 24 hour cycle are reset at midnight.
In the current state, only a single inverter (SE5K-RW0TEBEN4) is tested, with modbus device-id set to 1.
Graphs are for a 3-fase setup, using a single-fase inverter will result in multiple items without data.
Time is synchronised using NTP with and dhcp-option 42 if available.
TODO: make the timezone configurable/selectable. Now hardcoded to Europe/Amsterdam.
TODO: add ssl support for mqtt?
The inverter only supports a single tcp client. When your esp is reset, due to configuration changes or other, it might take a couple of minutes before the inverter will accept a new connection:
I (99033) modbus: Connecting to on 1502 I (99033) modbus: connect() error I (99043) TaskModbus: Retry connection.. I (101543) modbus: Connecting to on 1502 I (101543) TaskModbus: Connected
SolarEdge is a registered trademark. No affiliation with SolarEdge, all bugs should be reported here. Pull requests are welcome