sealbro / northwind
Forked from harryho/db-samplesNorthwind sample database for MySql, PostgresQL etc.
A translation of the popular Nerdy Nights tutorial for creating NES games, originally written in NESASM, translated to ca65
Full Django in a single file - views, models, API ,with async support. Automatically convert it to a full project.
List of ngrok/Cloudflare Tunnel alternatives and other tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting.
A comprehensive guide for Linux Network (Socket) programming
Eko (Eko Keeps Operating) - Build Production-ready Agentic Workflow with Natural Language -
This is a starter kit for developing Nintendo Entertainment System games using 6502 Assembly language
A fast and efficient type assistant for Python, including tensor shape inference
A python lens library for manipulating deeply nested immutable structures
Mutation Testing in Pharo Smalltalk
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
Emulate 6502-based microcomputer systems in Python
Print request and response headers, body (with pretty-printing), etc.
minimal-emacs.d - Better Emacs Defaults and Faster Startup
Example forms for transient UI's in Emacs
An opinionated Transient-based porcelain for Emacs IBuffer.
Casual Dired - An opinionated Transient user interface for Emacs file manager Dired.
Emacs Lisp package for creating an Emacs Lisp Github repo with CI
An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube!
Code to accompany blog post
Structured Editing and Navigation in Emacs with Tree-Sitter
A community-driven Emacs Lisp style guide