This is a Debian-package generator for solr.
It will generate a .deb
package from the solr pre-built .tgz archive.
- Make sure to have the following packages installed (from jessie-backports)
dpkg-dev (>= 1.17) debhelper (>= 9.20160403) dh-systemd devscripts (>= 2.16.4) quilt
- Download the latest version and prepare the build: run the following
command from the
$ ./debian/rules get-orig-source
If you want to download a specific version:
$ UPSTREAM_VERSION=5.5.2 ./debian/rules get-orig-source
- Apply the patches:
$ QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push -af
- Build the binary package:
$ debuild -b
All that code is GPLv3+, Copyright 2016, Didier Raboud
solr itself is licensed under Apache-2.0 with exceptions, see solr-build/debian/copyright