How to translate/localize to other languages from last Geconomicus release >=2.5 #50
Make sure you don't install sphinx=1.3 or python3.4 as the instructions tell you, it is outdated.
Download the latest release
(currently the 2.5). Unzip it. Or if in the future this repository is updated, just make a git clone it.
First, create your language locale(in this example spanish es_ES) :
- copy: /rst/source/locale/en_US to your new locale folder, ex for spanish: /rst/source/locale/es_ES
- copy to and edit the locale inside from 'en_US' to 'es_ES'
- Make the file exectuable with:
chmod +x
- translate the .po files to Spanish by using some local tool like poedit or online tool like
- create a python3 virtualenv for example like this (make sure to have python >=3.6) :
mkvirtualenv -p python3 geconomicus
(geconomicus) # pip install sphinx sphinx-intl
- edit the file rst/source/ and change 'sphinx.ext.pngmath' to 'sphinx.ext.imgmath',
To generate all the necessary images and resources:
(geconomicus) # ./
To re-generate the translated .mo files and final .html outputs:
(geconomicus) # ./
It will generate you a rst/build/html/index.html that you can upload via FTP to your web server and show. Or create a PDF from it.
@galuel maybe you can try this and update the repository to 2.5 without problems.
TODO: maybe the could have a parameter to add the locale directly there without having to create additional .sh per new locale.
Good job with this educative tool by the way.