Hackers is an iPhone app for reading Hacker News on the go. It's optimised for quickly catching up on the latest news and comments without getting in your way.
- Comments replies are collapsed, leaving you to decide whether you want to read the replies without them getting in the way.
- Remembers which posts you've read.
- Read top news, new news, or Ask HN.
- Instapaper mobilizer support.
- Save links to Instapaper and Pinboard
- Dark and light themes
Hackers is open source and licenced under the MIT licence. Feel free to build and install it on your own iPhone. If you'd like to support me, the developer, you can buy Hackers in the app store for $1.99 (£1.49).
- I wrote a blog post introducing Hackers.
- You can follow Hackers' progress on my blogs tagged Hackers.
- You can also get in touch via Twitter: @weiran.
Hackers is an open source project by Weiran Zhang licensed under the MIT license.
I use several open source projects in Hackers, in no particular order:
- node-hnapi by cheeaun
- AFNetworking by Mattt
- OHAttributedLabel by AliSoftware
- GCOLaunchImageTransition by gonecoding
- MBProgressHUD by Jonathan George
- DTCoreText by Cocoanetics
- InAppSettingsKit by FutureTap
- SSKeychain by Sam Soffes
- ARChromeActivity by Alex Robinson
- CocoaPods