Yet another hardware version of Chameleon Lite
Demo video: Bilibili: 给 Chameleon Lite 做个崩铁的星轨专票皮肤
The schematic of this version is same to the original one, with only few footprint changes.
See OSHWHub: libc0607/hsr_pass_lite_v1p1
If there's any registration wall, you can try this exported version on Github.
It's an EasyEDA (LCEDA) Pro project tarball including the schematic, the PCB, and the acrylic panel printing.
Size: 100mm * 38mm * 6mm
PCB: 1.6mm thickness, 4 Layers, JLC7628 (From JLCPCB; or anything similar)
LF coil: find a 125kHz RFID coil with maximum 20mm diameter, ask the seller about its inductance, then calculate the value of resonance capacitors
Battery: 302030 Li-Po Battery, 4.2V
Top & Bottom acrylic panel: 1.0mm thickness, with rear adhesive (any type), routine light occlusion, glossy, printing on bottom
Middle acrylic panel: 2.0mm thickness (with 302030 Li-Po battery), with rear adhesive (any type), routine light occlusion, glossy, printing on bottom
(Note: I don't know if LCSC's panel printing service is avaliable outside mainland China, so I'll just list the details)
There's no guarantee of its performance (actually, a bit worse -- due to the size of the coils), as it's only a toy designed for myself.
Soldering the nRF52840's so-called "aQFN" package is f**king traumatic. Be calm.
Hardware (PCB, panel outline) design: GPL-3.0
The picture on panel is from Bilibili: 刃下狼血, with a few changes.
Since it's also a design from HoYoverse, it's better to ask them about the details on selling