A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
✨Clean and minimalistic environment configuration reader for Golang
The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development
A JS library for predictable global state management
Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together
Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
Official electron build of
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
The library for web and native user interfaces.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
A prettier plugin to sort imports in typescript and javascript files by the provided RegEx order.
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
Tiny lib to scan SQL rows directly to structs, slices, and primitive types
The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
An AMQP 0-9-1 Go client maintained by the RabbitMQ team. Originally by @streadway: `streadway/amqp`
Easily switch between windows of the same app with Alt+` (Backtick), also switch between apps with Alt+Tab.
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.