A small python script to create video out of xyz file.
python ./main.py -xyz "./examples/alanine-dipeptide-3x250ns-heavy-atom-positions.xyz" -batch 200
Note that to create a mov
file, run this before the above line in your terminal: export GKS_WSTYPE=mov
Or, using a npz
file, note that to use this you have to use my tweaked version of mogli.
python ./main.py -filename "./examples/alanine-dipeptide-3x250ns-heavy-atom-positions.npz" -batch 200 -name arr_0 -smile "CC(=O)NC(C)C(=O)NC" -scaling 10 -fixy 23.222
To generate a video, you can use the -output
option, e.g.
python ./main.py -filename "./examples/alanine-dipeptide-3x250ns-heavy-atom-positions.npz" -batch 200 -name arr_0 -smile "CC(=O)NC(C)C(=O)NC" -scaling 1 -fixy 0 -output test2.mov
To fix bonds according to SMILES, use -fix_bond
option.( also requires my version of mogli)
python ./draw.py -filename "./interpolation.npz" -batch 201 -step 1 -concat inputs.txt -name arr_0 -smile "CC(=O)NC(C)C(=O)NC" -scaling 1 -fixy 0 -output testdf.png -fix_bond
To generate video using generated image files:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i inputs.txt -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4