Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.38f1 (LTS)
- CLOiSimPlugin: New world plugin added -> MowingPlugin
- PlantGrass and mow the grass
- CLOiSimPlugin: New world plugin added -> ParticleSystemPlugin
- Utilize particle system of Unity
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify GroundTruthPlugin
- Can track and monitor Props(Dynamic obstacle)
- SDF.Implement/Parser: possible to apply sdf/material/shader/normal_map
- General: Code refactoring -> DeviceHelper
- General: Modify ProceduralMesh for Plane
Bug fix
- SDF.Parser: Quaternion missin typeCode for data
- UI: Scaling for Object Spawning was not worked
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.3.1
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.8.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
For binary release version, just run './' script after extract compressed file.
What's Changed
- add new particlesystem plugin by @hyunseok-yang in #296
- Cloisimplugin/new/mowing by @hyunseok-yang in #297
- Refactoring/device helper by @hyunseok-yang in #298
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.7.0 by @hyunseok-yang in #299
- Hot-fix for 4.7.0 by @hyunseok-yang in #300
Full Changelog: 4.6.2...4.7.0