# 🛠️ K8s to Food Ordering System μ-service
👋 The K8s files to deploy all Food Ordering System.
From Lg Pentagon or lg5! Get Lg5-Spring to develop μ-services faster.
For more information, check this pages https://lufgarciaqu.medium.com.
Using K8s, Helm and cp-helm-charts
Important: for the First Time: you need to change the version in the file:
helm/cp-helm-charts/charts/cp-zookeeper/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml has an invalid version.
ReplaceapiVersion: policy/v1beta1
byapiVersion: policy/v1
⚠️ Require the docker images for each Food Ordering System component.
How can you generate the Food Ordering System's images?
Using makefile
Install 1/5: Create the kafka cluster.
make install-kafka
Install 2/5: Create a kafka client.
make kafka-up
Install 3/5: Create topics manually!
make kafka-exec
Create topics manually with create-topics.sh
Install 4/5: Deploy a Postgres!
make db-up
Install 5/5: Deploying the food ordering system components!
Before, you need a volume (PVC)
make vol-up
make app-up
Execute API using this file api.http.
# removing the food ordering system components!
make app-down
# removing Postgres
make db-down
# removing Kafka Server
make uninstall-kafka
# removing Kafka Client
make kafka-down
# removing PVC
make vol-down
- postgres-deployment.yml
- cp-helm-charts
- kafka-client.yml
- create-topics.sh
- application-deployment-local.yml
- api.http
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License for more information.