Basic flashcard application.
- Version 5.0 adds the ability to browse through multiple flashcards, flashcards are also saved and recalled.
- Version 4.0 adds the ability for the user to update the multiple choice answers and gives the user an error if the text boxes are left empty.
- Version 3.0 adds the ability for the user to input an additional question and answer, does not update multiple choice answers.
- Version 2.0 adds multiple choice selection for the answers, third flashcard to indicate wrong answer, and a timer (1 sec) on third - flashcard to show question after answering incorrectly.
- Version 1.0 contains only one question and answer with only one flip possible.
- User can browse through multiple flashcards
- User can re-open the app and see previously created flashcards
- Push code to GitHub
- User can delete a flashcard
- User can edit existing flashcard
- User can store multiple choice questions