DCNv2 plugin implemented on TensorRT7
2021-10-27 support Tensorrt8 (Since TensorRT8 make many method noexcept,so you have to add noexcept to the method)
- CUB-1.8.0
- TensorRT-
TensorRT 7.0
onnx-tensorrt 7.0
clone TensorRT release/7.0
put DCNv2 directory、InferPlugin.cpp and CMakeLists to TensorRT/plugin
cd TensorRT
make -j4
- after compile you will have libnvinfer_plugin.so with DCNv2
- put builtin_op_importer.cpp to onnx-tensorrt and compile onnx-tensorrt to get libnvonnxparser.so
- use libnvinfer_plugin.so and libnvonnxparser.so replace the origin so in TensorRT/lib
code of DCNv2 come from CaoWGG/TensorRT-CenterNet