Scanvus is a Simple Credentialed Authenticated Network VUlnerability Scanner for Linux hosts and Docker images, which uses external vulnerability detections APIs (Vulners Linux API or API) under the hood.
You can run a scan for the following targets:
- localhost
python3 --assessment-type "localhost"
- remote hosts via SSH (key authentication)
python3 --assessment-type "remote_ssh" --host "" --user-name "jsmith" --key-path "/home/jsmith/.ssh/id_rsa"
- remote hosts via SSH (password authentication)
python3 --assessment-type "remote_ssh" --host "" --user-name "jsmith" --password "Password123"
- docker images
python3 --assessment-type "docker_image" --docker-image "python:3.9.6-slim-bullseye"
- inventory file
python3 --show-inventory-script
# Execute bash oneliner on a target host and save output to invent.txt
python3 --assessment-type inventory_file --inventory-file-path invent.txt
$ python3 --assessment-type "docker_image" --docker-image "python:3.9.6-slim-bullseye"
/$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$/$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$
/$$_____/ /$$_____/ |____ $$| $$__ $$| $$ /$$/ $$ | $$ /$$_____/
| $$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ \ $$/$$/| $$ | $$| $$$$$$
\____ $$| $$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ \ $$$/ | $$ | $$ \____ $$
/$$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ \ $/ | $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/
|_______/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ \_/ \______/ |_______/
Getting assessment target...
assessment_type: docker_image
docker_image: python:3.9.6-slim-bullseye
Getting OS inventory data...
os_name: debian
os_version: 11
package_list_len: 105
Getting vulnerability data...
Getting vulnerability report...
Vulnerability Report for python:3.9.6-slim-bullseye (docker_image, debian 11, 105 packages)
5 vulnerabilities with levels ['High', 'Medium'] were found
| N | Level | Bulletin | CVE | Proof |
| 1 | High | DEBIAN:DSA-4963-1:90BFC | CVE-2021-3711 | openssl 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| | | | CVE-2021-3712 | libssl1.1 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| 2 | High | DEBIAN:DSA-4963-1:DA7BC | CVE-2021-3712 | openssl 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| | | | CVE-2021-3711 | libssl1.1 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| 3 | Medium | DEBIAN:DLA-2766-1:9EFDC | CVE-2021-3712 | openssl 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| | | | | libssl1.1 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| 4 | Medium | DEBIAN:DLA-2771-1:D1964 | CVE-2018-20217 | libk5crypto3 1.18.3-6 amd64 < 1.18.3-6+deb11u1 |
| | | | CVE-2018-5729 | libgssapi-krb5-2 1.18.3-6 amd64 < 1.18.3-6+deb11u1 |
| | | | CVE-2018-5730 | libkrb5-3 1.18.3-6 amd64 < 1.18.3-6+deb11u1 |
| | | | CVE-2021-37750 | libkrb5support0 1.18.3-6 amd64 < 1.18.3-6+deb11u1 |
| 5 | Medium | DEBIAN:DLA-2774-1:D8CE0 | CVE-2021-3712 | openssl 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
| | | | | libssl1.1 1.1.1k-1 amd64 < 1.1.1k-1+deb11u1 |
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -h
/$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$/$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$
/$$_____/ /$$_____/ |____ $$| $$__ $$| $$ /$$/ $$ | $$ /$$_____/
| $$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ \ $$/$$/| $$ | $$| $$$$$$
\____ $$| $$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ \ $$$/ | $$ | $$ \____ $$
/$$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ \ $/ | $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/
|_______/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ \_/ \______/ |_______/
usage: [-h] [--audit-service {vulners,vulnsio}] [--assessment-type ASSESSMENT_TYPE] [--host HOST] [--user-name USER_NAME] [--key-path KEY_PATH] [--password PASSWORD]
[--docker-image DOCKER_IMAGE] [--show-inventory-script] [--inventory-file-path INVENTORY_FILE_PATH] [--save-os-data-text-block-path SAVE_OS_DATA_TEXT_BLOCK_PATH]
[--save-os-data-json-path SAVE_OS_DATA_JSON_PATH] [--save-vuln-raw-json-path SAVE_VULN_RAW_JSON_PATH] [--save-vuln-report-json-path SAVE_VULN_REPORT_JSON_PATH]
[--save-vuln-report-text-path SAVE_VULN_REPORT_TEXT_PATH]
Scanvus is a Simple Credentialed Authenticated Network VUlnerability Scanner for Linux systems and docker images
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--audit-service {vulners,vulnsio}
Audit API service:"vulners" (default) -, "vulnsio" -
--assessment-type ASSESSMENT_TYPE
Assessment type (E.g.: remote_ssh, localhost, docker_image, inventory_file)
--host HOST Remote host to scan (ip of hostname)
--user-name USER_NAME
Username to authenticate on remote host
--key-path KEY_PATH Path to the private key file to authenticate on remote host
--password PASSWORD User password or private key passphrase to authenticate on remote host
--docker-image DOCKER_IMAGE
Docker image
Shows inventory bash oneliner
--inventory-file-path INVENTORY_FILE_PATH
Inventory file to process
--save-os-data-text-block-path SAVE_OS_DATA_TEXT_BLOCK_PATH
Path to the OS data Text Block result file
--save-os-data-json-path SAVE_OS_DATA_JSON_PATH
Path to the OS data JSON result file
--save-vuln-raw-json-path SAVE_VULN_RAW_JSON_PATH
Path to the Raw Vulnerability data JSON result file
--save-vuln-report-json-path SAVE_VULN_REPORT_JSON_PATH
Path to the Vulnerability Report data JSON result file
--save-vuln-report-text-path SAVE_VULN_REPORT_TEXT_PATH
Path to the Vulnerability Report data Text result file
- Install necessary modules from requirements.txt
pip3.8 install -r requirements.txt
- Set the Vulners Linux API key in
To check docker images you should install docker in your system. See the manual for Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Configure groups:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker
docker run hello-world
Start service:
service docker start
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
Scanvus docker_image assessment may not work correctly with some docker images due to pexpect issues. In this case you can try run docker container with docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash <image>
, run the inventory script ( --show-inventory-script
) manually, save inventory output to a file and run scanvus against this file ( --assessment-type inventory_file --inventory-file-path invent.txt
If the docker image is available as a file, you can run docker container as:
docker load -i test-image.tar.gz
docker image ls
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE test-image dd452a4e174c 8 weeks ago 536MB
docker run -i -t dd452a4e174c /bin/bash
To remove unused docker images:
docker image ls | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -i docker image rm -f '{}'