The most powerful IO monad implementation in JS, possibly in any language!
**DEPRECATED** A collection of thin facade APIs wrapped around HTML5 JavaScript features.
FP library for JavaScript. Supports named-argument style methods.
FP iterators that are both eager and asynchronous
Comparing various async patterns for a single demo
A polyfill for native ES6 Promises as close as possible (no extensions) to the strict spec definitions.
Provides React-inspired 'hooks' like useState(..) for stand-alone functions
Asynchronous flow control (promises, generators, observables, CSP, etc)
Loading And Blocking JavaScript: On-demand parallel loader for JavaScript with execution order dependencies
Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter.
Simple minifier for JSON to remove comments and whitespace
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
Image gallery using infinite scrolling in React
Get real-time tweets and display on webpage with
App to show cast info for breaking bad
Simple app for Angular crash course
SpaceX launch history - React, GraphQL, Apollo
GraphQL Blog API built with KeystoneJS
Example of React Admin framework with JSON-Server
Agency website - basic HTML/CSS
Shopping list desktop app built on electron
Python Flask feedback app with database and email