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Compose Collapsing App Bar

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There are two implementations of this layout. The fitting implementation depends on your root composeable for the content below the top app bar. If you only need Column as your root, use CollapsingTopAppBarLayout. If your screen content is a LazyColumn than use the CollapsingTopAppBarLazyLayout implementation.

See the exact usage for your needs:

Column implementation
val collapsingTopAppBarState = rememberCollapsingTopAppBarColumnState()

  modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
  state = collapsingTopAppBarState,
  barStaticContent = { collapsingState: CollapsingState ->
  barStaticBackgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
  barCollapsingContent = { collapsingState: CollapsingState ->
  barCollapsingBackgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant,
  barCollapsingRadiusBottomStart = 16.dp,
  barCollapsingRadiusBottomEnd = 16.dp,
  endedInPartialTransitionStrategy = EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy.CollapseOrExpandToNearest(),
  screenContent = {


  • state: Optional. Can be used to pass an own CustomScrollState or CoroutineScope.
  • barStaticContent: The composable that defines the top part (that will never scroll away). You receive the current CollapsingState if the scrolling is in progress. This can be used to animate your content fluently according to the current scrolling progress.
  • barStaticBackgroundColor: Optional. Defaults to MaterialTheme.colors.primary.
  • barCollapsingContent: The composable that defines the collapsing part of the top app bar. This will shrink on scrolling down the screenContent. You receive the current CollapsingState if the scrolling is in progress. This can be used to animate your content fluently according to the current scrolling progress.
  • barCollapsingBackgroundColor: Optional. Defaults to MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant.
  • barCollapsingRadiusBottomStart: Optional. Defaults to 0dp.
  • barCollapsingRadiusBottomEnd: Optional. Defaults to 0dp.
  • endedInPartialTransitionStrategy: Optional. Defaults to EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy.CollapseOrExpandToNearest(). This defines how the barCollapsingContent behaves when the scrolling ended in state where it is not fully collapsed or expanded. Have a look into the java docs from EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy to see all possible strategies.
  • screenContent: This is the main screen content composable. Your Content is being composed in a ColumnScope on root level.
Lazy Column implementation
val collapsingTopAppBarState = rememberCollapsingTopAppBarLazyColumnState()

  modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
  state = collapsingTopAppBarState,
  barStaticContent = { collapsingState: CollapsingState ->
  barStaticBackgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
  barCollapsingContent = { collapsingState: CollapsingState ->
  barCollapsingBackgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant,
  barCollapsingRadiusBottomStart = 16.dp,
  barCollapsingRadiusBottomEnd = 16.dp,
  endedInPartialTransitionStrategy = EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy.CollapseOrExpandToNearest(),
  screenContent = {


  • state: Optional. Can be used to pass an own LazyListState or CoroutineScope.
  • barStaticContent: The composable that defines the top part (that will never scroll away). You receive the current CollapsingState if the scrolling is in progress. This can be used to animate your content fluently according to the current scrolling progress.
  • barStaticBackgroundColor: Optional. Defaults to MaterialTheme.colors.primary.
  • barCollapsingContent: The composable that defines the collapsing part of the top app bar. This will shrink on scrolling down the screenContent. You receive the current CollapsingState if the scrolling is in progress. This can be used to animate your content fluently according to the current scrolling progress.
  • barCollapsingBackgroundColor: Optional. Defaults to MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant.
  • barCollapsingRadiusBottomStart: Optional. Defaults to 0dp.
  • barCollapsingRadiusBottomEnd: Optional. Defaults to 0dp.
  • endedInPartialTransitionStrategy: Optional. Defaults to EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy.CollapseOrExpandToNearest(). This defines how the barCollapsingContent behaves when the scrolling ended in state where it is not fully collapsed or expanded. Have a look into the java docs from EndedInPartialTransitionStrategy to see all possible strategies.
  • screenContent: This is the main screen content. Your Content is being composed in a LazyListScope on root level.


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories

allprojects {
   repositories {
       maven { url "" }

Add the dependency to your module

dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.leonard-palm:compose-collapsing-app-bar:1.2.0'