leo_ordning_reda is a library to handle large objects efficiently. We can easily write programs that automatically stack and compress large objects to pass them other processes.
- "leo_ordning_reda" uses the rebar build system. Makefile so that simply running "make" at the top level should work.
- "leo_ordning_reda" requires Erlang R16B03-1 or later.
leo_ordning_reda is used in leo_storage. It is used to replicate stored objects between remote data centers efficiently.
We prepare a server program and a client program to use leo_ordning_reda.
First, a client program is as follow.
-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). % for debug
-define(BUFSIZE, 100). %% 100B
-define(TIMEOUT, 100). %% 0.1sec
-export([main/0, output/1]).
main() ->
Node = node(),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_api:start(),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_test_server:start_link(Node, ?BUFSIZE, ?TIMEOUT),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_test_server:stack(Node, "key1", lists:seq(1,10)),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_test_server:stack(Node, "key2", lists:seq(11,20)),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_test_server:stack(Node, "key3", lists:seq(21,30)),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_test_server:stop(Node),
ok = application:stop(leo_ordning_reda),
-spec(output(binary()) ->
output(CompressedBin) ->
Fun = fun(Obj) -> io:format("~p~n",[Obj]) end,
ok = leo_ordning_reda_api:unpack(CompressedBin, Fun).
Second, a server program is as follow.
Note that, handle_send
is called when objects are stacked more than BufSize
or more than Timeout
milliseconds passed.
-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). % for debug
-export([start_link/3, stop/1, stack/3]).
-spec start_link(atom(), integer(), integer()) -> ok | {error, _}.
start_link(Node, BufSize, Timeout) ->
leo_ordning_reda_api:add_container(Node, [{module, ?MODULE},
{buffer_size, BufSize},
{timeout, Timeout}]).
-spec stop(atom()) -> ok | {error, _}.
stop(Node) ->
-spec stack(atom(), _, _) -> ok.
stack(Node, Key, Object) ->
{ok, Bin} = leo_ordning_reda_api:pack(Object),
ok = leo_ordning_reda_api:stack(Node, Key, Bin),
-spec handle_send(atom(), _, binary()) -> ok.
handle_send(Node, StackInfo, CompressedBin) ->
?debugVal({Node, length(StackInfo), byte_size(CompressedBin)}),
rpc:call(Node, leo_ordning_reda_test_client, output, [CompressedBin]).
-spec handle_fail(atom(), _) -> ok.
handle_fail(Node, StackInfo) ->
?debugVal({Node, length(StackInfo)}),
leo_ordning_reda's license is Apache License Version 2.0
LeoProject/LeoFS is sponsored by Rakuten, Inc. and supported by Rakuten Institute of Technology.