Release 2.1.0
About ASN1 release 2.1.0:
The functionality and API is the same as in the previous release
Apple has removed the function
swift package generate-xcodeproj
in Xcode 14.3. This means that it is no longer possible to generate a Swift Package
and then turn it into an Xcode project, in order to define testability.Since there is now no Xcode project where testability can be enabled, the line
@testable import ASN1
must be inserted in every test file, in order to still be able to run the testsuite.
This has been done in release 2.1.0The testsuite must be run in release mode, otherwise it takes forever.
This can be done from the command line withswift test -c release -Xswiftc -enable-testing
The above considerations are only relevant for the development of ASN1,
not for people who just use ASN1.