Build system, optimized for monorepos, with AI-powered architectural awareness and advanced CI capabilities.
lehoff / scala-vs-erlang
Forked from fbettag/scala-vs-erlangA performance test comparing Scala verses Erlang with simple agents to determine messaging performance
lehoff / erl-hw
Forked from et4te/erl-hwExperiments in interfacing hardware with Erlang
lehoff / cowboy
Forked from ninenines/cowboySmall, fast, modular HTTP server and socket acceptor pool.
Modified version of the official Danish Dvorak layout where the dead keys work correct in the terminals
lehoff / nicedecimal
Forked from talentdeficit/nicedecimalshortest string representation of erlang floats
lehoff / jlouis-emacs-conf
Forked from jlouis/jlouis-emacs-confMy Emacs Configuration.
lehoff / edown
Forked from uwiger/edownEDoc extension for generating Github-flavored Markdown
lehoff / gen_leader
Forked from abecciu/gen_leader_revivalA project to unify various implementations of the Erlang library gen_leader into a modern, robust single implementation
lehoff / lager
Forked from erlang-lager/lagerA logging framework for Erlang/OTP
lehoff / parse_trans
Forked from uwiger/parse_transParse transform utilities for Erlang
lehoff / jsx
Forked from talentdeficit/jsxan evented, streaming json parser based in part on yajl. master is latest stable release, develop is the current stable codebase and prior releases are tags
shortest string representation of erlang floats
Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests.
A performance test comparing Scala verses Erlang with simple agents to determine messaging performance
lehoff / seresye
Forked from afiniate/seresyeSERESYE means Swarm oriented ERlang Expert SYstem Engine. It is a library to write expert systems and rule processing engines using the Erlang programming language. It allows to create multiple eng…
SERESYE means Swarm oriented ERlang Expert SYstem Engine. It is a library to write expert systems and rule processing engines using the Erlang programming language. It allows to create multiple eng…
lehoff / erlware_commons
Forked from erlware/erlware_commonsErlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.