scmanager-windows-rs Public
service manager for windows (rust)
dynimp Public
extended version of razy_importer-macros
lol-offset-dump Public
Improved version of (@Ph4nton lol-dumper) by LeftSpace
x86-simd-sort Public
Forked from intel/x86-simd-sortC++ header file library for high performance SIMD based sorting algorithms for primitive datatypes
perseus Public
Forked from Khan/perseusPerseus is Khan Academy's exercise question editor and renderer.
LeaguePW5 Public
a tool that creates league of legends practice tool lobby with 5 bots
LeagueOFFLINE Public
A tool to toggle your online status on LeagueClient chat by blocking chat endpoint on Windows firewall.
directx-vs-templates Public
Forked from walbourn/directx-vs-templatesDirect3D Visual Studio Templates
awesome-cpp Public
Forked from fffaraz/awesome-cppA curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
IATRedirector Public
Forked from rexyrexy/IATRedirectorRedirect all intermodular calls to your import in PE File
idapy-xordecryptor Public
ida plugin for xor string decrypt
VmwareHardenedLoader Public
Forked from hzqst/VmwareHardenedLoaderVmware Hardened VM detection mitigation loader (anti anti-vm)
creative-suite-to-qml Public
Forked from paazmaya/creative-suite-to-qmlScripts for exporting things from different Adobe Creative Suite programs to Nokia Qt Quick prototypes
game-hacking Public
Forked from dsasmblr/game-hackingTutorials, tools, and more as related to reverse engineering video games.
CppCSharpBridge Public
Forked from BirdiePeep/CppCSharpBridgeSimple tool to bridge C++ and C# for embedded Mono projects. No external dependencies required.
vs-obfuscation Public
Forked from Tai7sy/vs-obfuscationstring hide, api hide
pdbparse Public
a C++ library which will automatically download a module's PDB file, then parse it for a function address
boolinq Public
Forked from k06a/boolinqSimplest C++ header-only LINQ template library