- Seoul, South Korea
- https://blog.naver.com/leeyunjai
blockly-sample Public
sample code for blockly custom
aruco-marker Public
Detection of ArUco Markers
oled-disp Public
npm library for ssd1306-spi (Raspberrypi). support kor/eng
wpi-node Public
npm library for wiringpi
image2text Public
caption generator using lavis and argostranslate
googletrans-python Public
for googletrans package
teachablemachine-python Public
keras and tflite inference code for image project of teachable machine
simple-face-recognition Public
train/recognize face and detect landmark, using dlib and opencv
ssd1306-oled Public
image-segmentation Public
image segmentation for opencv (mask-rcnn inference), opencv gpu
Python UpdatedMay 17, 2020 -
tornado-rest-server-simple Public
simple tornado server (Text and Image communication example)
nodjes-simple-udp Public
This is simple udp program using node.js.
python-simple-udp Public
This is udp program using python.