A curated list of (not only) German piracy sites!
Hint: Some of the websites that are marked as offline seem just to block the queries from shields.io. Sorry for that.
Hint 2: Most of the links are taken from the researches the blog tarnkappe.info does from time to time. Many thanks to the blog, please support them ;) A report on my Github page from tarnkappe.info (in German) can be found here.
- Android apps
- Audio books
- Crypto places, anonymous
- Documentations
- eBooks
- Games
- Hosting and Co.
- iOS apps
- Keygens
- Lists
- macOS software
- Manga / Anime
- Misc
- Movies
- Movies (English)
- Movies (Other)
- Music
- Navigation software
- Nfo sites
- Nulled scripts
- Portable apps
- Science libaries
- Search engines
- Series
- Series (English)
- Series (Other)
- Sport streams
- Torrents
- TV senders
- Usenet forums
- Usenet search engines
- Warez / Different stuff
- Windows software
We do not encourage users to use these websites nor do we support them. This is just an informational resource. If you're using one of the links above, you will most of the time commit a copyright infringement.
See the Changelog.
See the Links.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
HansM 💻 📖 💡 🚧 📆 |
mxwmnn 📖 |
IB_U_Z_Z_A_R_Dl 📖 |
Erik Grobecker 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!