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fix: structures with copied parents can now use other parents as inst…
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This PR fixes a bug with the `structure`/`class` command where if there
are parents that are not represented as subobjects but which used other
parents as instances, then there would be a kernel error. Closes #2611.

Note: there is still the limitation that parents that are not
represented as subobjects do not themselves provide instances to other
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kmill authored Nov 24, 2024
1 parent a5ffef7 commit 2f5c7d0
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 52 deletions.
123 changes: 71 additions & 52 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Structure.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ private def findExistingField? (infos : Array StructFieldInfo) (parentStructName
return some fieldName
return none

private partial def processSubfields (structDeclName : Name) (parentFVar : Expr) (parentStructName : Name) (subfieldNames : Array Name)
private def processSubfields (structDeclName : Name) (parentFVar : Expr) (parentStructName : Name) (subfieldNames : Array Name)
(infos : Array StructFieldInfo) (k : Array StructFieldInfo → TermElabM α) : TermElabM α :=
go 0 infos
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ private partial def mkToParentName (parentStructName : Name) (p : Name → Bool)
if p curr then curr else go (i+1)
go 1

private partial def withParents (view : StructView) (rs : Array ElabHeaderResult) (indFVar : Expr)
private def withParents (view : StructView) (rs : Array ElabHeaderResult) (indFVar : Expr)
(k : Array StructFieldInfo → Array StructParentInfo → TermElabM α) : TermElabM α := do
go 0 #[] #[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -775,57 +775,81 @@ private def setSourceInstImplicit (type : Expr) : Expr :=
Creates a projection function to a non-subobject parent.
private partial def mkCoercionToCopiedParent (levelParams : List Name) (params : Array Expr) (view : StructView) (parentStructName : Name) (parentType : Expr) : MetaM StructureParentInfo := do
private partial def mkCoercionToCopiedParent (levelParams : List Name) (params : Array Expr) (view : StructView) (source : Expr) (parentStructName : Name) (parentType : Expr) : MetaM StructureParentInfo := do
let isProp ← Meta.isProp parentType
let env ← getEnv
let structName := view.declName
let sourceFieldNames := getStructureFieldsFlattened env structName
let structType := mkAppN (Lean.mkConst structName ( mkLevelParam)) params
let binfo := if view.isClass && isClass env parentStructName then BinderInfo.instImplicit else BinderInfo.default
let mut declType ← instantiateMVars (← mkForallFVars params (← mkForallFVars #[source] parentType))
if view.isClass && isClass env parentStructName then
declType := setSourceInstImplicit declType
declType := declType.inferImplicit params.size true
let rec copyFields (parentType : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let Expr.const parentStructName us ← pure parentType.getAppFn | unreachable!
let parentCtor := getStructureCtor env parentStructName
let mut result := mkAppN (mkConst us) parentType.getAppArgs
for fieldName in getStructureFields env parentStructName do
if sourceFieldNames.contains fieldName then
let fieldVal ← mkProjection source fieldName
result := mkApp result fieldVal
-- fieldInfo must be a field of `parentStructName`
let some fieldInfo := getFieldInfo? env parentStructName fieldName | unreachable!
if fieldInfo.subobject?.isNone then throwError "failed to build coercion to parent structure"
let resultType ← whnfD (← inferType result)
unless resultType.isForall do throwError "failed to build coercion to parent structure, unexpected type{indentExpr resultType}"
let fieldVal ← copyFields resultType.bindingDomain!
result := mkApp result fieldVal
return result
let declVal ← instantiateMVars (← mkLambdaFVars params (← mkLambdaFVars #[source] (← copyFields parentType)))
let declName := structName ++ mkToParentName (← getStructureName parentType) fun n => !env.contains (structName ++ n)
-- Logic from `mk_projections`: prop-valued projections are theorems (or at least opaque)
let cval : ConstantVal := { name := declName, levelParams, type := declType }
if isProp then
addDecl <|
if view.modifiers.isUnsafe then
-- Theorems cannot be unsafe.
Declaration.opaqueDecl { cval with value := declVal, isUnsafe := true }
Declaration.thmDecl { cval with value := declVal }
addAndCompile <| Declaration.defnDecl { cval with
value := declVal
hints := ReducibilityHints.abbrev
safety := if view.modifiers.isUnsafe then DefinitionSafety.unsafe else
-- Logic from `mk_projections`: non-instance-implicits that aren't props become reducible.
-- (Instances will get instance reducibility in `Lean.Elab.Command.addParentInstances`.)
if !binfo.isInstImplicit && !(← Meta.isProp parentType) then
setReducibleAttribute declName
return { structName := parentStructName, subobject := false, projFn := declName }

private def mkRemainingProjections (levelParams : List Name) (params : Array Expr) (view : StructView)
(parents : Array StructParentInfo) (fieldInfos : Array StructFieldInfo) : TermElabM (Array StructureParentInfo) := do
let structType := mkAppN (Lean.mkConst view.declName ( mkLevelParam)) params
withLocalDeclD `self structType fun source => do
let mut declType ← instantiateMVars (← mkForallFVars params (← mkForallFVars #[source] parentType))
if view.isClass && isClass env parentStructName then
declType := setSourceInstImplicit declType
declType := declType.inferImplicit params.size true
let rec copyFields (parentType : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let Expr.const parentStructName us ← pure parentType.getAppFn | unreachable!
let parentCtor := getStructureCtor env parentStructName
let mut result := mkAppN (mkConst us) parentType.getAppArgs
for fieldName in getStructureFields env parentStructName do
if sourceFieldNames.contains fieldName then
let fieldVal ← mkProjection source fieldName
result := mkApp result fieldVal
Remark: copied parents might still be referring to the fvars of other parents. We need to replace these fvars with projection constants.
For subobject parents, this has already been done by `mkProjections`.
let mut parentInfos := #[]
let mut parentFVarToConst : ExprMap Expr := {}
for h : i in [0:parents.size] do
let parent := parents[i]
let parentInfo : StructureParentInfo ← (do
if parent.subobject then
let some info := fieldInfos.find? (·.kind == .subobject parent.structName) | unreachable!
pure { structName := parent.structName, subobject := true, projFn := info.declName }
-- fieldInfo must be a field of `parentStructName`
let some fieldInfo := getFieldInfo? env parentStructName fieldName | unreachable!
if fieldInfo.subobject?.isNone then throwError "failed to build coercion to parent structure"
let resultType ← whnfD (← inferType result)
unless resultType.isForall do throwError "failed to build coercion to parent structure, unexpected type{indentExpr resultType}"
let fieldVal ← copyFields resultType.bindingDomain!
result := mkApp result fieldVal
return result
let declVal ← instantiateMVars (← mkLambdaFVars params (← mkLambdaFVars #[source] (← copyFields parentType)))
let declName := structName ++ mkToParentName (← getStructureName parentType) fun n => !env.contains (structName ++ n)
-- Logic from `mk_projections`: prop-valued projections are theorems (or at least opaque)
let cval : ConstantVal := { name := declName, levelParams, type := declType }
if isProp then
addDecl <|
if view.modifiers.isUnsafe then
-- Theorems cannot be unsafe.
Declaration.opaqueDecl { cval with value := declVal, isUnsafe := true }
Declaration.thmDecl { cval with value := declVal }
addAndCompile <| Declaration.defnDecl { cval with
value := declVal
hints := ReducibilityHints.abbrev
safety := if view.modifiers.isUnsafe then DefinitionSafety.unsafe else
-- Logic from `mk_projections`: non-instance-implicits that aren't props become reducible.
-- (Instances will get instance reducibility in `Lean.Elab.Command.addParentInstances`.)
if !binfo.isInstImplicit && !(← Meta.isProp parentType) then
setReducibleAttribute declName
return { structName := parentStructName, subobject := false, projFn := declName }
let parent_type := (← instantiateMVars parent.type).replace fun e => parentFVarToConst[e]?
mkCoercionToCopiedParent levelParams params view source parent.structName parent_type)
parentInfos := parentInfos.push parentInfo
if let some fvar := parent.fvar? then
parentFVarToConst := parentFVarToConst.insert fvar <|
mkApp (mkAppN (.const parentInfo.projFn ( mkLevelParam)) params) source
pure parentInfos

Precomputes the structure's resolution order.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -887,12 +911,7 @@ def elabStructureCommand : InductiveElabDescr where
if (← getEnv).contains field.declName then
Term.addTermInfo' field.ref (← mkConstWithLevelParams field.declName) (isBinder := true)
finalize := fun levelParams params replaceIndFVars => do
let parentInfos ← parents.mapM fun parent => do
if parent.subobject then
let some info := fieldInfos.find? (·.kind == .subobject parent.structName) | unreachable!
pure { structName := parent.structName, subobject := true, projFn := info.declName }
mkCoercionToCopiedParent levelParams params view parent.structName parent.type
let parentInfos ← mkRemainingProjections levelParams params view parents fieldInfos
setStructureParents view.declName parentInfos
checkResolutionOrder view.declName
if view.isClass then
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/run/2611.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Structure copied parents should be able to refer to other parents as instances

Example that worked before the fixes for 2611. The projection `D.toC` refers to `D.toA` for the `A` instance.
This is a natural consequence to the way subobject projection functions are added by `mkProjections`.
class A
class C [A]
class D extends A, C

This example did not work. Since `C` provides a `B` field, it's a copied parent.
Now there is a step where the fvar for the `A` instance is replaced by the `D.toA` constant.
namespace Ex2
class A
class B
class C [A] extends B
class D extends A, B, C
end Ex2

A test that this still works even when there are parameters on the structure.
namespace Ex3
class A where
x : Nat
class B [A] where
x : Nat
class C (α : Type) extends A, B where
y : α
/-- info: Ex3.C.toB {α : Type} [self : C α] : @B (@C.toA α self) -/
#guard_msgs in set_option pp.explicit true in #check C.toB
end Ex3

A test that this still works even when there are parameters on the parents.
namespace Ex4
class A (n : Nat) where
x : Nat
class B (n : Nat) [A n] where
x : Nat
class C extends A 3, B 3
/-- info: Ex4.C.toB [self : C] : @B (@OfNat.ofNat Nat 3 (instOfNatNat 3)) (@C.toA self) -/
#guard_msgs in set_option pp.explicit true in #check C.toB
end Ex4

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