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feat: let induction take zero alteratives (#6486)
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This PR modifies the `induction`/`cases` syntax so that the `with`
clause does not need to be followed by any alternatives. This improves
friendliness of these tactics, since this lets them surface the names of
the missing alternatives:
example (n : Nat) : True := by
  induction n with
/-            ~~~~
alternative 'zero' has not been provided
alternative 'succ' has not been provided

Related to issue #3555
  • Loading branch information
kmill authored Jan 8, 2025
1 parent 78ed072 commit 18b183f
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Showing 3 changed files with 30 additions and 21 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Init/Tactics.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ syntax inductionAlt := ppDedent(ppLine) inductionAltLHS+ " => " (hole <|> synth
After `with`, there is an optional tactic that runs on all branches, and
then a list of alternatives.
syntax inductionAlts := " with" (ppSpace colGt tactic)? withPosition((colGe inductionAlt)+)
syntax inductionAlts := " with" (ppSpace colGt tactic)? withPosition((colGe inductionAlt)*)

Assuming `x` is a variable in the local context with an inductive type,
Expand Down
46 changes: 27 additions & 19 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Induction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ private def saveAltVarsInfo (altMVarId : MVarId) (altStx : Syntax) (fvarIds : Ar
i := i + 1

open Language in
def evalAlts (elimInfo : ElimInfo) (alts : Array Alt) (optPreTac : Syntax) (altStxs : Array Syntax)
def evalAlts (elimInfo : ElimInfo) (alts : Array Alt) (optPreTac : Syntax) (altStxs? : Option (Array Syntax))
(initialInfo : Info)
(numEqs : Nat := 0) (numGeneralized : Nat := 0) (toClear : Array FVarId := #[])
(toTag : Array (Ident × FVarId) := #[]) : TacticM Unit := do
let hasAlts := altStxs.size > 0
let hasAlts := altStxs?.isSome
if hasAlts then
-- default to initial state outside of alts
-- HACK: because this node has the same span as the original tactic,
Expand All @@ -274,9 +274,7 @@ def evalAlts (elimInfo : ElimInfo) (alts : Array Alt) (optPreTac : Syntax) (altS
-- continuation in the correct info context
goWithInfo := do
let hasAlts := altStxs.size > 0

if hasAlts then
if let some altStxs := altStxs? then
if let some tacSnap := (← readThe Term.Context).tacSnap? then
-- incrementality: create a new promise for each alternative, resolve current snapshot to
-- them, eventually put each of them back in `Context.tacSnap?` in `applyAltStx`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,7 +307,8 @@ where

-- continuation in the correct incrementality context
goWithIncremental (tacSnaps : Array (SnapshotBundle TacticParsedSnapshot)) := do
let hasAlts := altStxs.size > 0
let hasAlts := altStxs?.isSome
let altStxs := altStxs?.getD #[]
let mut alts := alts

-- initial sanity checks: named cases should be known, wildcards should be last
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,12 +342,12 @@ where
let altName := getAltName altStx
if let some i := alts.findFinIdx? (·.1 == altName) then
-- cover named alternative
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxIdx altStx alts[i]
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxs altStxIdx altStx alts[i]
alts := alts.eraseIdx i
else if !alts.isEmpty && isWildcard altStx then
-- cover all alternatives
for alt in alts do
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxIdx altStx alt
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxs altStxIdx altStx alt
alts := #[]
throwErrorAt altStx "unused alternative '{altName}'"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ where
altMVarIds.forM fun mvarId => admitGoal mvarId

/-- Applies syntactic alternative to alternative goal. -/
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxIdx altStx alt := withRef altStx do
applyAltStx tacSnaps altStxs altStxIdx altStx alt := withRef altStx do
let { name := altName, info, mvarId := altMVarId } := alt
-- also checks for unknown alternatives
let numFields ← getAltNumFields elimInfo altName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +475,7 @@ private def generalizeVars (mvarId : MVarId) (stx : Syntax) (targets : Array Exp
Given `inductionAlts` of the form
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)+)
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)*)
Return an array containing its alternatives.
Expand All @@ -486,21 +485,30 @@ private def getAltsOfInductionAlts (inductionAlts : Syntax) : Array Syntax :=
Given `inductionAlts` of the form
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)+)
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)*)
runs `cont alts` where `alts` is an array containing all `inductionAlt`s while disabling incremental
reuse if any other syntax changed.
runs `cont (some alts)` where `alts` is an array containing all `inductionAlt`s while disabling incremental
reuse if any other syntax changed. If there's no `with` clause, then runs `cont none`.
private def withAltsOfOptInductionAlts (optInductionAlts : Syntax)
(cont : Array Syntax → TacticM α) : TacticM α :=
(cont : Option (Array Syntax) → TacticM α) : TacticM α :=
Term.withNarrowedTacticReuse (stx := optInductionAlts) (fun optInductionAlts =>
if optInductionAlts.isNone then
-- if there are no alternatives, what to compare is irrelevant as there will be no reuse
(mkNullNode #[], mkNullNode #[])
-- if there are no alts, then use the `with` token for `inner` for a ref for messages
let altStxs := optInductionAlts[0].getArg 2
let inner := if altStxs.getNumArgs > 0 then altStxs else optInductionAlts[0][0]
-- `with` and tactic applied to all branches must be unchanged for reuse
(mkNullNode optInductionAlts[0].getArgs[:2], optInductionAlts[0].getArg 2))
(fun alts => cont alts.getArgs)
(mkNullNode optInductionAlts[0].getArgs[:2], inner))
(fun alts? =>
if optInductionAlts.isNone then -- no `with` clause
cont none
else if alts?.isOfKind nullKind then -- has alts
cont (some alts?.getArgs)
else -- has `with` clause, but no alts
cont (some #[]))

private def getOptPreTacOfOptInductionAlts (optInductionAlts : Syntax) : Syntax :=
if optInductionAlts.isNone then mkNullNode else optInductionAlts[0][1]
Expand All @@ -518,7 +526,7 @@ private def expandMultiAlt? (alt : Syntax) : Option (Array Syntax) := do
Given `inductionAlts` of the form
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)+)
syntax inductionAlts := "with " (tactic)? withPosition( (colGe inductionAlt)*)
Return `some inductionAlts'` if one of the alternatives have multiple LHSs, in the new `inductionAlts'`
all alternatives have a single LHS.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,10 +708,10 @@ def evalInduction : Tactic := fun stx =>
-- unchanged
-- everything up to the alternatives must be unchanged for reuse
Term.withNarrowedArgTacticReuse (stx := stx) (argIdx := 4) fun optInductionAlts => do
withAltsOfOptInductionAlts optInductionAlts fun alts => do
withAltsOfOptInductionAlts optInductionAlts fun alts? => do
let optPreTac := getOptPreTacOfOptInductionAlts optInductionAlts
mvarId.assign result.elimApp
ElimApp.evalAlts elimInfo result.alts optPreTac alts initInfo (numGeneralized := n) (toClear := targetFVarIds)
ElimApp.evalAlts elimInfo result.alts optPreTac alts? initInfo (numGeneralized := n) (toClear := targetFVarIds)
appendGoals result.others.toList
checkTargets (targets : Array Expr) : MetaM Unit := do
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion tests/lean/inductionParse.lean.expected.out
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@@ -1 +1,2 @@
inductionParse.lean:4:18-5:6: error: unexpected identifier; expected '|'
inductionParse.lean:4:14-4:18: error: alternative 'zero' has not been provided
inductionParse.lean:4:14-4:18: error: alternative 'succ' has not been provided

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