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refactor: cleanup logging API (unify BuildIO with LogIO)
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tydeu committed Aug 2, 2022
1 parent ca87bef commit 79321cd
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Showing 13 changed files with 125 additions and 115 deletions.
54 changes: 17 additions & 37 deletions Lake/Build/Actions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,41 +5,21 @@ Authors: Gabriel Ebner, Sebastian Ullrich, Mac Malone
import Lake.Build.Job
import Lake.Config.Env
import Lake.Util.Proc

namespace Lake
open System

def createParentDirs (path : FilePath) : IO Unit := do
if let some dir := path.parent then IO.FS.createDirAll dir

def proc (args : IO.Process.SpawnArgs) : BuildIO Unit := do
let envStr := String.join <| args.env.toList.filterMap fun (k, v) =>
if k == "PATH" then none else some s!"{k}={v.getD ""} " -- PATH too big
let cmdStr := " ".intercalate (args.cmd :: args.args.toList)
logVerbose <| "> " ++ envStr ++
match args.cwd with
| some cwd => s!"{cmdStr} # in directory {cwd}"
| none => cmdStr
let out ← IO.Process.output args
let logOutputWith (log : String → BuildIO PUnit) := do
unless out.stdout.isEmpty do
log s!"stdout:\n{out.stdout}"
unless out.stderr.isEmpty do
log s!"stderr:\n{out.stderr}"
if out.exitCode = 0 then
logOutputWith logInfo
logOutputWith logError
logError s!"external command {args.cmd} exited with status {out.exitCode}"

def compileLeanModule (name : String) (leanFile : FilePath)
(oleanFile? ileanFile? cFile? : Option FilePath)
(leanPath : SearchPath := []) (rootDir : FilePath := ".")
(dynlibs : Array FilePath := #[]) (dynlibPath : SearchPath := {})
(leanArgs : Array String := #[]) (lean : FilePath := "lean")
: BuildIO PUnit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Building {name}"
: LogIO PUnit := do
logInfo s!"Building {name}"
let mut args := leanArgs ++
#[leanFile.toString, "-R", rootDir.toString]
if let some oleanFile := oleanFile? then
Expand All @@ -63,44 +43,44 @@ def compileLeanModule (name : String) (leanFile : FilePath)

def compileO (name : String) (oFile srcFile : FilePath)
(moreArgs : Array String := #[]) (compiler : FilePath := "cc") : BuildIO Unit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Compiling {name}"
(moreArgs : Array String := #[]) (compiler : FilePath := "cc") : LogIO Unit := do
logInfo s!"Compiling {name}"
createParentDirs oFile
proc {
cmd := compiler.toString
args := #["-c", "-o", oFile.toString, srcFile.toString] ++ moreArgs

def compileStaticLib (name : String) (libFile : FilePath)
(oFiles : Array FilePath) (ar : FilePath := "ar") : BuildIO Unit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Linking {name}"
(oFiles : Array FilePath) (ar : FilePath := "ar") : LogIO Unit := do
logInfo s!"Linking {name}"
createParentDirs libFile
proc {
cmd := ar.toString
args := #["rcs", libFile.toString] ++ toString

def compileSharedLib (name : String) (libFile : FilePath)
(linkArgs : Array String) (linker : FilePath := "cc") : BuildIO Unit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Linking {name}"
(linkArgs : Array String) (linker : FilePath := "cc") : LogIO Unit := do
logInfo s!"Linking {name}"
createParentDirs libFile
proc {
cmd := linker.toString
args := #["-shared", "-o", libFile.toString] ++ linkArgs

def compileExe (name : String) (binFile : FilePath) (linkFiles : Array FilePath)
(linkArgs : Array String := #[]) (linker : FilePath := "cc") : BuildIO Unit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Linking {name}"
(linkArgs : Array String := #[]) (linker : FilePath := "cc") : LogIO Unit := do
logInfo s!"Linking {name}"
createParentDirs binFile
proc {
cmd := linker.toString
args := #["-o", binFile.toString] ++ toString ++ linkArgs

/-- Download a file using `curl`, clobbering any existing file. -/
def download (name : String) (url : String) (file : FilePath) : BuildIO PUnit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Downloading {name}"
def download (name : String) (url : String) (file : FilePath) : LogIO PUnit := do
logInfo s!"Downloading {name}"
if (← file.pathExists) then
IO.FS.removeFile file
Expand All @@ -113,8 +93,8 @@ def download (name : String) (url : String) (file : FilePath) : BuildIO PUnit :=

/-- Unpack an archive `file` using `tar` into the directory `dir`. -/
def untar (name : String) (file : FilePath) (dir : FilePath) (gzip := true) : BuildIO PUnit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Unpacking {name}"
def untar (name : String) (file : FilePath) (dir : FilePath) (gzip := true) : LogIO PUnit := do
logInfo s!"Unpacking {name}"
let mut opts := "-x"
if (← getIsVerbose) then
opts := opts.push 'v'
Expand All @@ -127,8 +107,8 @@ def untar (name : String) (file : FilePath) (dir : FilePath) (gzip := true) : Bu

/-- Pack a directory `dir` using `tar` into the archive `file`. -/
def tar (name : String) (dir : FilePath) (file : FilePath)
(gzip := true) (excludePaths : Array FilePath := #[]) : BuildIO PUnit := do
logAuxInfo s!"Packing {name}"
(gzip := true) (excludePaths : Array FilePath := #[]) : LogIO PUnit := do
logInfo s!"Packing {name}"
createParentDirs file
let mut args := #["-c"]
if gzip then
Expand Down
11 changes: 1 addition & 10 deletions Lake/Build/Context.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,8 @@ abbrev BuildT := ReaderT BuildContext
/-- The monad for the Lake build manager. -/
abbrev SchedulerM := BuildT <| LogT BaseIO

/-- The base IO monad for Lake builds. -/
abbrev BuildIO := MonadLogT BaseIO OptionIO

/-- The core monad for Lake builds. -/
abbrev BuildM := BuildT BuildIO
abbrev BuildM := BuildT LogIO

/-- A transformer to equip a monad with a Lake build store. -/
abbrev BuildStoreT := StateT BuildStore
Expand All @@ -43,15 +40,9 @@ abbrev BuildCycleT := CycleT BuildKey
/-- A recursive build of a Lake build store that may encounter a cycle. -/
abbrev RecBuildM := BuildCycleT <| BuildStoreT BuildM

instance : MonadError BuildIO := ⟨MonadLog.error⟩
instance : MonadLift IO BuildIO := ⟨MonadError.runIO⟩

instance [Pure m] : MonadLift LakeM (BuildT m) where
monadLift x := fun ctx => pure <| ctx.toContext

instance : MonadLift LogIO BuildIO where
monadLift x := fun meths => liftM (n := BuildIO) ( meths.lift) meths

def (logMethods : MonadLog BaseIO) (ctx : BuildContext) (self : BuildM α) : IO α :=
self ctx logMethods |>.toIO fun _ => IO.userError "build failed"

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Lake/Build/Trace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ def getFileMTime (file : FilePath) : IO MTime :=
instance : GetMTime FilePath := ⟨getFileMTime⟩

/-- Check if the info's `MTIme` is at least `depMTime`. -/
def checkIfNewer [GetMTime i] (info : i) (depMTime : MTime) : IO Bool := do
try pure ((← getMTime info) >= depMTime) catch _ => pure false
def checkIfNewer [GetMTime i] (info : i) (depMTime : MTime) : BaseIO Bool :=
(do pure ((← getMTime info) >= depMTime : Bool)).catchExceptions fun _ => pure false

/-! # Lake Build Trace (Hash + MTIme) -/
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Lake/CLI/Init.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Gabriel Ebner, Sebastian Ullrich, Mac Malone
import Lake.Util.Git
import Lake.Util.Sugar
import Lake.Config.Package
import Lake.Config.Workspace
import Lake.Load.Config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ def initPkg (dir : FilePath) (name : String) (tmp : InitTemplate) : LogIO PUnit
unless upstreamBranch = "master" do
repo.checkoutBranch upstreamBranch
catch _ =>
logWarning "failed to initialize git repository"

def init (pkgName : String) (tmp : InitTemplate) : LogIO PUnit :=
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Lake/CLI/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def serve (config : LoadConfig) (args : Array String) : LogIO UInt32 := do
let ws ← loadWorkspace config
let ctx := mkLakeContext ws
pure (← ctx getAugmentedEnv, ws.root.moreServerArgs)
catch _ =>
logWarning "package configuration has errors, falling back to plain `lean --server`"
pure (config.env.installVars.push (invalidConfigEnvVar, "1"), #[])
(← IO.Process.spawn {
Expand All @@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ def exe (name : Name) (args : Array String := #[]) (verbosity : Verbosity) : La
error s!"unknown executable `{name}`"

def uploadRelease (pkg : Package) (tag : String) : BuildIO Unit := do
def uploadRelease (pkg : Package) (tag : String) : LogIO Unit := do
let mut args :=
#["release", "upload", tag, pkg.buildArchiveFile.toString, "--clobber"]
if let some repo := pkg.releaseRepo? then
args := args.append #["-R", repo]
tar pkg.buildArchive pkg.buildDir pkg.buildArchiveFile
(excludePaths := #["*.tar.gz", "*.tar.gz.trace"])
logAuxInfo s!"Uploading {tag}/{pkg.buildArchive}"
logInfo s!"Uploading {tag}/{pkg.buildArchive}"
proc {cmd := "gh", args}

def parseScriptSpec (ws : Workspace) (spec : String) : Except CliError (Package × String) :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Lake/Load/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def resolveDeps (ws : Workspace) (pkg : Package) (shouldUpdate := true) : LogIO
log := log ++ s!"`{name}` locked `{inputRev}` at `{contrib.rev}`\n"
let inputRev := entry.inputRev?.getD Git.upstreamBranch
log := log ++ s!"Using `{inputRev}` at `{entry.rev}`"
logVerbose log
logInfo log
manifest.saveToFile ws.manifestFile
return pkg

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Lake/Util/Error.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ protected def MonadError.runEIO [Monad m]
Perform an IO action.
If it throws an error, invoke `error` with its string representation.
protected def MonadError.runIO [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (x : IO α) : m α :=
@[inline] protected def MonadError.runIO
[Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (x : IO α) : m α :=
MonadError.runEIO x
77 changes: 23 additions & 54 deletions Lake/Util/Git.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Gabriel Ebner, Sebastian Ullrich, Mac Malone
import Lake.Util.Log
import Lake.Util.Proc
import Lake.Util.Lift

open System
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,37 +33,6 @@ def filterUrl? (url : String) : Option String :=
def isFullObjectName (rev : String) : Bool :=
rev.length == 40 && rev.all fun c => c.isDigit || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f')

def capture (args : Array String) (wd : Option FilePath := none) : LogIO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args, cwd := wd}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
let mut log := s!"\n> git {" ".intercalate args.toList}\n"
unless out.stdout.isEmpty do
log := log ++ s!"stdout:\n{out.stdout.trim}\n"
unless out.stderr.isEmpty do
log := log ++ s!"stderr:\n{out.stderr.trim}\n"
logError log.trim
error <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
return out.stdout.trim -- remove, e.g., newline at end

def capture? (args : Array String) (wd : Option FilePath := none) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
EIO.catchExceptions (h := fun _ => pure none) do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args, cwd := wd}
if out.exitCode = 0 then
return some out.stdout.trim -- remove, e.g., newline at end
return none

def exec (args : Array String) (wd : Option FilePath := none) : LogIO PUnit := do
discard <| capture args wd

def test (args : Array String) (wd : Option FilePath := none) : BaseIO Bool :=
EIO.catchExceptions (h := fun _ => pure false) do
let child ← IO.Process.spawn {
cmd := "git", args, cwd := wd,
stdout := IO.Process.Stdio.null, stderr := IO.Process.Stdio.null
return (← child.wait) == 0

end Git

structure GitRepo where
Expand All @@ -75,43 +44,43 @@ namespace GitRepo

def cwd : GitRepo := ⟨"."

def dirExists (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool :=
@[inline] def dirExists (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool :=

def captureGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String :=
Git.capture args repo.dir
@[inline] def captureGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String :=
captureProc {cmd := "git", args, cwd := repo.dir}

def captureGit? (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) :=
Git.capture? args repo.dir
@[inline] def captureGit? (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) :=
captureProc? {cmd := "git", args, cwd := repo.dir}

def execGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
Git.exec args repo.dir
@[inline] def execGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
proc {cmd := "git", args, cwd := repo.dir}

def testGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool :=
Git.test args repo.dir
@[inline] def testGit (args : Array String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool :=
testProc {cmd := "git", args, cwd := repo.dir}

def clone (url : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
Git.exec #["clone", url, repo.dir.toString]
@[inline] def clone (url : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
proc {cmd := "git", args := #["clone", url, repo.dir.toString]}

def quietInit (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
@[inline] def quietInit (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
repo.execGit #["init", "-q"]

def fetch (repo : GitRepo) (remote := Git.defaultRemote) : LogIO PUnit :=
@[inline] def fetch (repo : GitRepo) (remote := Git.defaultRemote) : LogIO PUnit :=
repo.execGit #["fetch", remote]

def checkoutBranch (branch : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
@[inline] def checkoutBranch (branch : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
repo.execGit #["checkout", "-B", branch]

def checkoutDetach (hash : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
@[inline] def checkoutDetach (hash : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO PUnit :=
repo.execGit #["checkout", "--detach", hash]

def resolveRevision? (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
@[inline] def resolveRevision? (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
repo.captureGit? #["rev-parse", "--verify", rev]

def resolveRevision (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String := do
@[inline] def resolveRevision (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String := do
repo.captureGit #["rev-parse", "--verify", rev]

def headRevision (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String :=
@[inline] def headRevision (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String :=
repo.resolveRevision "HEAD"

def resolveRemoteRevision (rev : String) (remote := Git.defaultRemote) (repo : GitRepo) : LogIO String := do
Expand All @@ -123,16 +92,16 @@ def resolveRemoteRevision (rev : String) (remote := Git.defaultRemote) (repo : G
def findRemoteRevision (repo : GitRepo) (rev? : Option String := none) (remote := Git.defaultRemote) : LogIO String := do
repo.fetch remote; repo.resolveRemoteRevision (rev?.getD Git.upstreamBranch) remote

def branchExists (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool := do
@[inline] def branchExists (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool := do
repo.testGit #["show-ref", "--verify", s!"refs/heads/{rev}"]

def revisionExists (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool := do
@[inline] def revisionExists (rev : String) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO Bool := do
repo.testGit #["rev-parse", "--verify", rev ++ "^{commit}"]

def findTag? (rev : String := "HEAD") (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
@[inline] def findTag? (rev : String := "HEAD") (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
repo.captureGit? #["describe", "--tags", "--exact-match", rev]

def getRemoteUrl? (remote := Git.defaultRemote) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
@[inline] def getRemoteUrl? (remote := Git.defaultRemote) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
repo.captureGit? #["remote", "get-url", remote]

def getFilteredRemoteUrl? (remote := Git.defaultRemote) (repo : GitRepo) : BaseIO (Option String) := do
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Lake/Util/Lift.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Mac Malone. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mac Malone
import Lake.Util.OptionIO

namespace Lake

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,3 +34,6 @@ instance [Monad m] [MonadExceptOf ε m] [MonadLiftT n m] : MonadLiftT (ExceptT

instance [Monad m] [MonadExceptOf ε m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] : MonadLiftT (EIO ε) m where
monadLift act := act.toBaseIO >>= liftM

instance [Monad m] [Alternative m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] : MonadLiftT OptionIO m where
monadLift act := act.toBaseIO >>= liftM

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