A bunch of broken links in the Miscellaneous section #134
Hi there! Hello from SoftwareMansion team 💙
Member of https://membrane.stream/ checkin in here 👋
As you probably might already know we utilize your repo (to some certain extend) Great stuff there!
The other day, we have been doing some testing stuff on our webpage and it has turned out that there are some broken links in your repo that you might want to know about:
in case you want to fix them, here they are:
- https://www.encoding.com/android/
- https://www.encoding.com/http-live-streaming-hls/
- http://www.hometheatersound.com/
- https://www.adobe.com/devnet/adobe-media-server/articles/h264_encoding.html
- http://web.ece.ucdavis.edu/cerl/ReliableJPEG/Cung/jpeg.html
- http://gentlelogic.blogspot.com.br/2011/11/exploring-h264-part-2-h264-bitstream.html
- https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.264-201610-I
- https://mahanstreamer.net/
also this one is bit odd: it redirects to a camera manufacturer page (does it suppose to be like that?)
have a good one!