A ROS1 package designed to play the flappy bird game in Gazebo.
:sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev
Install Python dependencies using pip3:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Finally, install all the dependencies using
:rosdep install --from-paths $ROS_WS/src --ignore-src -r -y
Build the workspace:
catkin build flappy_bird_gazebo
To launch the game and control using arrow keys (up and down), run:
roslaunch flappy_bird_gazebo flappy_bird.launch
Optional: configurable parameters such as obstacle gap, inter-obstacle distance, etc., can be controlled using sim_params.yaml file.
- The entire package is formatted against roslint and catkin_lint.
- Check out our article on how we developed this repository and the hurdles we had to go through in doing so.