- Wroclaw
Materials for endpoints Scala library workshop
Basic arithmetic on Scala's type system using Peano numbers.
FP Scala Back-end of the Smart Backpacker App
DEPRECATED A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
Workshop on Effectful Functional Programming with Eff/Monix/Monocle/Cats
Elm-inspired Scala library for writing web user interfaces
Lightweight and typesafe asynchronous computation graphs
Streaming Chuck Norris jokes in JSON as Server Sent Events using Akka Steams, Akka HTTP and Akka Actors
A neat little tool to build presentations using the Scala REPL
An introductory talk to Type Classes in FP Architectures
📚 List of books to master JavaScript Development 🚀
A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
Simple demonstration of akka-cluster sharding functionality
An example program that uses the akka-http stream api