A rust utility for writing passes of zeros over single files, directories or disks.
Can also be used to write custom messages to the MBR to be displayed on reboot.
Cargo build --release
Usage: burner [COMMAND]
file Zero a single file
dir Zero all files in a directory
mbr Overwrite the MBR of a disk with a MSG
disk Zero a device and optionally overwrite the MBR with a custom message
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
passing the --passes
option to the commands specifies how many passes of zeros to write.
Zero disk and overwrite the MBR with a message "Hai Tavis...." and 1 pass of zero writes:
burner disk /dev/sda --msg "Hai Tavis..:)" --passes 1
Zero disk and overwrite the MBR with a message "Hai Tavis...." and 1 pass of zero writes with FIREEEEEEEEE:
burner disk /dev/sda --msg "Hai Tavis..:)" --passes 1 --fire
Reboot for the operator at the keyboard to be greeted with your msg and an unbootable OS :)