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IRFs are now computed for several dependent variables and uncertainty…
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lbrandt committed Feb 17, 2018
1 parent 709024b commit 32b8982
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Showing 2 changed files with 160 additions and 117 deletions.
268 changes: 156 additions & 112 deletions MATLAB/ez_irf.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,134 +7,133 @@

% ----------------
% Load data
vdates = datetime(h5read('ez_vardata.h5', '/dates'));
vnames = h5read('ez_vardata.h5', '/varnames');
vdata = h5read('ez_vardata.h5', '/data')';

% MP shocks for euro area
load ez_data
load ez_shocks
load eu_uncertainty

% Match sample of ez_vardata to external shocks
bsample = matchsample(vdates, babDates);
nsample = matchsample(vdates, neuDates);
msample = matchsample(vdates, mdates);
% Match sample of full data set to shorter series
msample = matchsample(dates, mdates);
usample = matchsample(dates, udates);

bsample = matchsample(dates, babDates);
nsample1 = matchsample(dates, neuDates);
nsample2 = matchsample(neuDates, dates);

% ----------------
% IRF via R&R incomplete VAR regression
sample = msample;
shocks = mshocks;

% Select dependent variable IP
depvar = diff(vdata(:, strcmp(vnames, {'EKIPTOT.G'})));
% Choose variables of interest from factor model dataset
selectVariables = {'EKIPMANG', 'EKIPTOTG', 'EKCPHARMF', 'EMESHARM'};
depvars = x(:, findstrings(names, selectVariables));

% Monthly dummies
mdum = (month(vdates) == 12);
N = length(selectVariables);

% Lag order
% AR order of depvars
pmax = 36;
const = 1;
dlag = 11;
ylag = 12;
slag = 24;
maxlag = max([dlag, ylag, slag]);

% Lag before sample select, such that presample counts
mdumlags = mlag(mdum, dlag);
depvarlags = mlag(depvar, ylag);
shocklags = mlag(shocks, slag);

% Matrix of independent variables
X = [ones(length(sample), 1), mdumlags(sample, :), depvarlags(sample, :), shocklags(:, :)];
trend = 0;

picx = zeros(N, 3);
icx = zeros(N, 3);
for i = 1:N
[picx(i, 1), icx(i, 1)] = aroptlag(depvars(:, i), pmax, 'aic', const, trend, 0);
[picx(i, 2), icx(i, 2)] = aroptlag(depvars(:, i), pmax, 'bic', const, trend, 0);
[picx(i, 3), icx(i, 3)] = aroptlag(depvars(:, i), pmax, 'hqc', const, trend, 0);

linreg = ols(depvar(sample), X);
P = zeros(1, N);
% Lag length for economic activity unanimously suggested is p = 3.
P(1:2) = 3;
% Lag length for prices is not as clear. Set p = 12.
P(3:4) = 12;

% The estimated betas of the shock are the same as in paper. Yay!
c = linreg.beta((const + dlag + ylag + 1):end);

% Append zeros to autoregressive coeffs
b = [linreg.beta((const + dlag + 1):((const + dlag + ylag))); zeros(maxlag - ylag, 1)];

% Dimension companion matrix (incomplete VAR) for IRF
varnum = 2;

AT = zeros(varnum, varnum*maxlag);
% Monthly dummies
mdum = (month(dates) == 12);
mdumlags = mlag(mdum, 11);

% Reorder coefficients by lag order
for i = 1:maxlag
AT(1, 2*i - 1) = b(i); % Only first row because we only first variable is endogenous
AT(1, 2*i) = c(i);
% ----------------
% IRF via incomplete VAR companion form Sims (2012)
%P = 12;
Q = 24;
H = 36;

compirfs = zeros(H, N);
for i = 1:N
mcompanion = irf_companion(depvars(msample, i), mshocks, P(i), Q, H, [ones(length(msample), 1), mdumlags(msample, :)]);
compirfs(:, i) = mcompanion.irf;

% Build companion matrix
A = companion(varnum, maxlag, AT);
for i = 1:N
subplot(2, 2, i)
plot(compirfs(:, i))
hold on
refline(0, 0)

% Compute IRF of variable [varselect] w.r.t. shock [shockselect] up until horizon [hmax]
varselect = 1;
shockselect = 2;

hmax = 36;
% Test shocks EKIPTOTG only
mcompanion = irf_companion(depvars(msample, 2), mshocks, P(2), Q, H, [ones(length(msample), 1), mdumlags(msample, :)]);
bcompanion = irf_companion(depvars(bsample, 2), babShocks, P(2), Q, H, [ones(length(bsample), 1), mdumlags(bsample, :)]);
ncompanion = irf_companion(depvars(nsample1, 2), neuShocks(nsample2), P(2), Q, H, [ones(length(nsample1), 1), mdumlags(nsample1, :)]);

impact = zeros(hmax, 1);
for h = 1:hmax
AH = A^h;
impact(h) = AH(varselect, shockselect); % Impact multipliers
hold on
hold on

varirf = cumsum(impact);


% ----------------
% IRF via Jorda's local projection method
controls = [ones(length(dates), 1), mdumlags];

jordairfs = zeros(H, N);
for i = 1:N
% Construct leads and lags of dependent variable
yLeads = lead(depvars(:, i), H);
yLags = mlag(depvars(:, i), P(i));

mjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-H), :), yLags(msample(1:end-H), :), mshocks(1:end-H), controls(msample(1:end-H), :));
jordairfs(:, i) = mjorda.irf;

% Choose variable of interest from factor model dataset
depvar = diff(vdata(:, strcmp(vnames, {'EKIPTOT.G'})));

%aroptlag(depvar, 25, 'aic', 1, 0, 1);

% Construct leads and lags of dependent variable
hmax = 36;
ylag = 3;

yLeads = lead(depvar, hmax);
yLags = mlag(depvar, ylag);
for i = 1:N
subplot(2, 2, i)
plot(jordairfs(:, i))
hold on
refline(0, 0)

% Build set of controls
dlag = 11;
ulag = 12;

mdumlags = mlag(mdum, dlag);
%udumlags = mlag(udum(:, 1), ulag);
% Test Jorda EKIPTOTG only
ylag = 12;

controls = [ones(length(vdates), 1), mdumlags];
% Construct leads and lags of dependent variable
yLeads = lead(depvars(:, 2), H);
yLags = mlag(depvars(:, 2), ylag);

% Choose lag order for NW correction
%nlag = fix(4*(T/100)^(2/9)); % Rule-of-thumb (N&W 1994)
nlag = 4;

% Estimate and plot IRF
mjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-hmax), :), yLags(msample(1:end-hmax), :), mshocks(1:end-hmax), controls(msample(1:end-hmax), :), nlag);
%wjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(wsample, :), yLags(wsample, :), wxres, controls(wsample, :), nlag);
bjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(bsample(1:end-hmax), :), yLags(bsample(1:end-hmax), :), babShocks(1:end-hmax), controls(bsample(1:end-hmax), :), nlag);
njorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(nsample(1:end-hmax), :), yLags(nsample(1:end-hmax), :), neuShocks(1:end-hmax), controls(nsample(1:end-hmax), :), nlag);
mjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-H), :), yLags(msample(1:end-H), :), mshocks(1:end-H), controls(msample(1:end-H), :));
bjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(bsample(1:end-H), :), yLags(bsample(1:end-H), :), babShocks(1:end-H), controls(bsample(1:end-H), :));
njorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(nsample1(1:end-H), :), yLags(nsample1(1:end-H), :), neuShocks(nsample2(1:end-H)), controls(nsample1(1:end-H), :));

hold on
hold on
hold on
hold on
refline(0, 0)

% Desired interval coverage via HAC standard errors
% Interval via HAC standard errors
coverage = 0.95;
quantile = norm_inv(coverage);

Expand All @@ -154,40 +153,56 @@

% ----------------
% Compare IRF construction methods

for i = 1:N
subplot(2, 2, i)
plot(jordairfs(:, i))
hold on
plot(compirfs(:, i))
hold on
refline(0, 0)

% Interaction with uncertainty
% ----------------
% Aggregate macroeconomic uncertainty
load ez_uncertainty

% Match uncertainty to shocks
musample = matchsample(dates, mdates);
musample = matchsample(udates, mdates);
[tu, hu] = size(ufac);

% Convert uncertainty to High-U-dummies via quantiles
Umean = mean(Ufac);
Ustd = std(Ufac);
udum = (Ufac >= Umean + 1*Ustd);
umean = mean(ufac);
ustd = std(ufac);

summarize(Ufac(:, 1));
summarize(Ufac(musample, 1));
summarize(ufac(:, 1));
summarize(ufac(musample, 1));

tUmean = (mean(Ufac) - mean(Ufac(musample, :)))./Ustd;
tUmean = (mean(ufac) - mean(ufac(musample, :)))./ustd;
% ----------------
% Center uncertainty for interaction such that average U in period
% corresponds to no conditional effect of U on Y. Take full sample Umean as
% difference between means is minimal and far from significance
centeredUfac = Ufac - Umean;
plot(centeredUfac(:, 1))
centufac = ufac - umean;
plot(centufac(:, 1))

interaction = mshocks.*(centeredUfac(musample, 1));
interaction = mshocks.*(centufac(musample, 1));
hold on

mintshocks = [mshocks, centeredUfac(musample, 1), interaction];
mintshocks = [mshocks, centufac(musample, 1), interaction];

% Estimate IRF with interaction
mintjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-hmax), :), yLags(msample(1:end-hmax), :), mintshocks(1:end-hmax, :), controls(msample(1:end-hmax), :), nlag);
mintjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-H), :), yLags(msample(1:end-H), :), mintshocks(1:end-H, :), controls(msample(1:end-H), :), nlag);

% Plot interaction IRF
Expand All @@ -199,19 +214,43 @@

% ----------------
% Standardise uncertainty for interaction
standardUfac = standardize(Ufac);
standardufac = standardize(ufac);
%plot(udates, standardufac(:, 1))

mintparm = zeros(H, N, hu);
mintparu = zeros(H, N, hu);
for i = 1:N

for j = 1:hu

yLeads = lead(depvars(:, i), H);
yLags = mlag(depvars(:, i), P(i));

interaction = mshocks.*standardufac(musample, j);
mintshocks = [mshocks, standardufac(musample, j), interaction];

mintjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-H), :), yLags(msample(1:end-H), :), mintshocks(1:end-H, :), controls(msample(1:end-H), :), nlag);

mintparm(:, i, j) = mintjorda.theta(:, 1); % Partial effect parameters
mintparu(:, i, j) = mintjorda.theta(:, 3); % Interaction parameters

plot(standardUfac(:, 1))
mint1sigmaup = mintparm + mintparu;
mint1sigmalo = mintparm - mintparu;

interaction = mshocks.*(standardUfac(musample, 1));
hold on

mintshocks = [mshocks, standardUfac(musample, 1), interaction];

% Estimate IRF with interaction
mintjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-hmax), :), yLags(msample(1:end-hmax), :), mintshocks(1:end-hmax, :), controls(msample(1:end-hmax), :), nlag);
% Test IRF with interaction on EKIPTOTG and ufac at h = 1
ylag = 12;

yLeads = lead(depvars(:, 2), H);
yLags = mlag(depvars(:, 2), ylag);

interaction = mshocks.*(standardufac(musample, 1));
mintshocks = [mshocks, standardufac(musample, 1), interaction];

mintjorda = irf_jorda(yLeads(msample(1:end-H), :), yLags(msample(1:end-H), :), mintshocks(1:end-H, :), controls(msample(1:end-H), :), nlag);

% Plot interaction IRF
Expand All @@ -222,9 +261,14 @@


mintirfup = mintjorda.irf(:, 1) + mintjorda.irf(:, 3);
mintirflo = mintjorda.irf(:, 1) - mintjorda.irf(:, 3);

plot(mintjorda.irf(:, 1))
hold on
hold on

9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions MATLAB/ez_shocks.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
% Static regression
dipmodel = vare(dipvars, pdip);
dipnames = char('dIP', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4');
prt_var(dipmodel, dipnames, fopen('varout_dip.txt', 'w'));
plt_var(dipmodel, dipnames);
%prt_var(dipmodel, dipnames, fopen('varout_dip.txt', 'w'));
%plt_var(dipmodel, dipnames);

[nobs, ~] = size(dipvars);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
% Static regression
infmodel = vare(infvars, pinf);
infnames = char('Infl', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4');
prt_var(infmodel, infnames, fopen('varout_inf.txt', 'w'));
plt_var(infmodel, infnames);
%prt_var(infmodel, infnames, fopen('varout_inf.txt', 'w'));
%plt_var(infmodel, infnames);

[nobs, ~] = size(infvars);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,6 @@
istep = istep + 1; % move up one month.
disp([istep, jstep])
% Hard code final month. How to solve in loop?
mshocks(end) = shocks(end);
Expand Down

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