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2018 08 15_meeting

Michael Wetter edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

SOEP Coordination meeting

Date: August 15, 2018, 8:15am-9am Pacific Times

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the Modelica integration for SOEP.

Meeting information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,6614042296# or +16465588656,6614042296#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


  1. Previous action items.
  2. Kyle, Michael: Refactoring room air heat and mass balance, and connecting to Modelica.
  3. Kyle, Michael: Optimica license protection.
  4. Michael: JSON representation for OS front-end to Modelica
  5. Michael: FMI-QSS.
  6. Other items


Kyle Benne
Michael Wetter


Refactoring room air balance

See for open tasks.

Updated to prototype to EnergyPlus 8.9.

Multiple FMUs: Looked into mopen to open multiple DLLs and added unit tests. Kyle reproduced the problem of Thierry. However, mopen is Linux only (as opposed to popen). Root of issue are the global data of EnergyPlus. Global variables can be marked as "thread local only", and this seems to work (but not full tested yet). But on OS X, stock E+ crashes with this change with runtime error. Also stock EnergyPlus does not pass some "sanitizers" for memory violation. Next Kyle will clean up EnergyPlus first to pass tests, then get back to multiple building instances.

Optimica license protection

Discussions started with Hubertus, Kyle and Christian. Christian to write proposal for how to protected Optimica distribution. Goal is design specification as opposed to full implementation for this month.

JSON representation for OS front-end to Modelica

No discussion.


No discussion.

Other items


New action items


Previous action items

Michael to work on JSON representation for Modelica HVAC that could become the basis for a schema-driven editor.

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