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Set single processor for DCH package for CI tests #5220

Set single processor for DCH package for CI tests

Set single processor for DCH package for CI tests #5220

Workflow file for this run

# Workflow for CI tests
name: CI-documentation-and-format
# Controls when the action will run.
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master, maint_*, release* ]
branches: [ master, maint_*, release* ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# workflow_dispatch:
shell: bash
working-directory: Buildings
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# Skip if the commit message contains "ci skip"
if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'ci skip')"
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
# Checks-out repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so job can access it
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10.11' # Version range or exact version of a Python version to use, using SemVer's version range syntax
architecture: 'x64' # optional x64 or x86. Defaults to x64 if not specified
- name: "Install pip"
run: pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel
- name: "Install BuildingsPy"
run: pip3 install git+
- name: Check for UTF-8 BOM
run : |
for ff in `grep -rlI --exclude="ffd.vcxproj" --exclude-dir="\.git" $'^\xEF\xBB\xBF' .`; do
echo "::error file=${ff}:: Found BOM in ${ff}."
test -z "${ff}"
- name: "Test html syntax"
run : ../bin/ --validate-html-only
- name: "Test experiment setup"
run : ../bin/ --validate-experiment-setup
- name: "Test if package.order are correct, and revert order in UsersGuide"
run : |
python -c 'import buildingspy.development.refactor as r; r.write_package_order(".", recursive=True)'
git checkout UsersGuide/ReleaseNotes/package.order
git checkout UsersGuide/package.order
git diff --exit-code .
- name: "Verify files for invalid strings"
- name: "Verify that all OpenModelica scripts are up to date, and no old scripts exist"
run : |
rm Resources/Scripts/OpenModelica/compareVars/*.mos
python -c 'import buildingspy.development.regressiontest as u; u.Tester().writeOpenModelicaResultDictionary()'
git status --porcelain Resources/Scripts/OpenModelica
test -z "$(git status --porcelain Resources/Scripts/OpenModelica)"
- name: "Test user guide"
run : (cd Resources/Documentation/userGuide; make regressiontest)
- name: "Test heat pump documentation"
run : (cd Resources/src/fluid/heatpumps/calibration/doc; make regressiontest)
- name: "Check for UnitConversion package to be consistent with the script that generates it"
run : |
cd ..
python Buildings/Resources/src/Controls/OBC/UnitConversions/
git diff --exit-code Buildings
- name: Check for file permissions
run : |
set -o noglob
LIST="*.mo *.mos *.fmu *.json *.txt *.jar *.c *.h *.def *.cc *.vcxproj \
*.so *.exe \
*.java package-list element-list \
*.csv *.dat *.TMY *.mat \
*.cfd *.ffd *.mcr \
*.rst *.svg *.png *.gif *.jpg *.tiff *.xcf *.ico *.psd *.pdf *.odp \
*.tex *.md *.html *.css \
*.bat *.linux *.darwin \
*.js *.map *.eot *.ttf *.woff *.woff2 *.inv \
*.idd *.idf *.epw \
*.dll *.lib \
package.order Makefile makefile RootMakefile"
for tt in ${LIST}; do
for ff in `find . -type f -name ${tt}`; do
chmod u=rw,og=r $ff
LIST="spawn dymola *.sh"
for tt in ${LIST}; do
for ff in `find . -type f -name ${tt}`; do
chmod u=rwx,og=rx $ff
git diff --exit-code
# The Windows compiler generates files with u=rw,og=rw permission
for tt in ${LIST}; do
for ff in `find . -type f -name ${tt}`; do
chmod u=rw,og=rw $ff
# Skip if the commit message contains "ci skip"
if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'ci skip')"
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Checks-out repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so job can access it
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Compute the checksum and check that it matches the value from the last commit
run: ./Resources/Scripts/travis/templates/ --checksum --skip --diffhead