Releases: lavakyan/mstm-spectrum
Releases · lavakyan/mstm-spectrum
Version 1.1.0
New capabilities:
- in addition to extinction now can be calculated absorbtion and scattering spectrum (though, not available for fitting)
- incident beam orientation can be specified. Previously the averaging over orientations was the only option.
- visualization of the near field (squared electric field)
- calculation results files are not written now to the installation directory
In this small release added ability to calculate extinction of single spheroid particles (oblate or prolate).
Also, minor fixes.
The GUI and Python library for extinction spectra calculation and analysis.
Modified GUI, source code edited to use as a package, implemented Mie contributions, programming documentation.
MSTM-spectrum with GUI
This is the first release of MSTM-spectrum, the software wrapped around Mischenko and Mackowsky code Multi-sphere T-matrix (MSTM) code.
To run this code a Python distribution with NumPy and SciPy libraries is required.
Tested on OS Windows with Anaconda Python and OS Linux Debian 8.