Group Project: Create an app using handlebars, database, and node.js. We created a bartering app, similar to a reverse eBay, called Finder's Fee where users can login in (using Auth0) and post items they are seeking or locating for others.
We started out with the main page displayed as this:'
After mapping out the pages we created two different buttons, one for "Seekers" and another for "Finders" that led to two separate perspective of the site.
All team members assisted in coding the back-end functionalities, each focusing on a different section: handlebars, Auth0, or server-side programming.
Towards the end of the project, I focused on finalizing the front-end and making our work all come together. One of the toughest challenges was figuring out how to stylize the front-end while also using handlebars.
As you can see above, the first picture lists all of our data in one "< div >" and does not separate per item. Handlebars works well with for loops, but only if your data is stored in a local .json file, which was not the case for us. Our data was live from a database. In moving around the handlebars elements, I was able to organize and differentiate between listings and created individual cards.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Bootstrap, node.js, handlebars, Auth0, Sequel Pro