This Gatsby theme is designed for creating a knowledge base or help center for your product.
You can see a demo here:
- Categories - Incl. images, titles, descriptions
- SEO and Sharing metadata - Rich previews, social markup, and SEO metadata
- MDX - For writing the articles
- Customization - Logo, links, colors, and a few terms
- Featured articles - Shown on the home page
- Related articles - Which display at the bottom of other articles
The easiest way to create a new Gatsby site with this theme is to use the gatsby-starter-help-center repo:
gatsby new your-site
cd your-site
npm run develop # or yarn develop
Where your-site
is the name of the directory you want to create the new site.
The most up-to-date docs on installing a Gatsby theme can be found on the Gatsby website, but here's a summary using this theme as an example:
npm install --save @mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center
# or
yarn add @mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center
Then edit your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: '@mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center',
options: {
basePath: '/'
You will want to customize all the site metadata:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: '@mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center',
options: {
basePath: '/'
siteMetadata: {
// Language settings
htmlLang: 'en',
contentLang: 'en-us',
// Fallback title in case a title is not defined for the page
title: 'Gatsby Help Center Theme',
// Aside from the home page, this template will be used for all category/article pages
titleTemplate: '%s · Gatsby Help Center Theme',
// Meta description
description: 'A help center theme for Gatsby.',
// Base URL for your help center
siteUrl: '',
// Use for the og:site_name property
siteName: 'A Help Center Theme for Gatsby',
// Logo that appears in the top left corner
logoUrl: '/images/logo.png',
// Text that appears next to the logo
logoLabel: 'Help Center',
// Placeholder for search input field
searchText: 'Search',
// Your favicon
faviconUrl: '/images/favicon.png',
// Image to be used when sharing articles on social media
socialSharingImageUrl: '/images/social-sharing-default.png',
// Your product's twitter handle
twitter: '@monicalent',
// Your product's Facebook page
facebookUrl: '',
// Text/url for main call-to-action button
ctaButtonText: 'Open on GitHub',
ctaButtonUrl: '',
// Text/url for secondary link next to call-to-action button
linkText: 'See demo',
linkUrl: '',
// Main headline
headline: 'How can we be helpful?',
// Footer
footerText: 'Back to main website',
footerUrl: '',
// Google Analytics setup (Optional)
googleTagManagerId: '',
googleAnalyticsMeasurementId: '',
You can shadow this file in order to add more custom meta tags (for example site verification tags or other external scripts):
import React from 'react';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
export const CustomHead = () => (
{/* Replace with whatever you want */}
Your file should be located at:
Create your own YML file at src/data/categories/data.yml
and provide as many categories
as you'd like in the following format:
- name: Get Started
slug: getting-started
description: Write helpful content about how to start using your product.
image: /images/getting-started.svg
- name: FAQs
slug: faqs
description: Frequently asked questions that your user email you about.
image: /images/faqs.svg
- name: Tutorials
slug: tutorials
description: Step-by-step guides for using various features in your app.
image: /images/tutorials.svg
The illustrations from the sample site are from Undraw.
Create new articles by creating mdx files in src/data/pages
and providing the following frontmatter:
title: Example Article No. 2
description: Example description that will go in the SEO description
author: Monica
categories: ["faqs"]
date: 2019-01-29
featured: true
relatedArticles: ["example-article"]
## What's up!
Hello fellow kids, this is another article.
Note: The Author field is currently not used in the layout but may be in the future.
You may associate articles with more than one category and it will appear in both sections.
Edit or create a file at src/@mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center/themes/colors.ts
to customize colors:
export const COLORS = {
// This is used for the header stripe
primary: {
light: '#63ccff',
main: '#4285f4',
dark: '#006db3',
contrastText: 'white',
secondary: {
light: '#ff8cb3',
dark: '#c51162',
main: '#f50057',
contrastText: 'white',
success: {
light: '#ADE488',
dark: '#237804',
main: '#52c41a',
contrastText: 'white',
pending: {
light: '#F5E18C',
dark: '#F6CC1B',
main: '#F6CC1B',
contrastText: 'white',
error: {
light: '#F7CACA',
dark: '#DB4D4D',
main: '#DB4D4D',
contrastText: 'white',
is used for the hero stripe and the colors of links. Just be sure to edit the contrastText
so your
text has enough contrast to be legible depending on the primary colors you choose.
NOTE: The other colors aren't used as part of the theme, but you're encouraged to use them for any custom components you end up developing.
If you like these colors and want some alternatives, you can find them on
If you want to run this repo locally after cloning:
yarn workspace site develop # To run the demo site
yarn workspace @mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center # To run the theme itself
Failed to compile
There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Cannot query field "contentLang" on type "SiteSiteMetadata".
This error can happen if you edit your gatsby-config.js
for instance adjusting the basePath
option or switching from string
to object representation of listing the plugin.
Solution: Restart the development server.
Check whether you've set the basePath
option to something besides /
Solution: If, e.g. your basePath
is /test
you'll need to work locally at https://localhost:8000/test.
warn The @mlent/gatsby-theme-help-center plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need it?
Yeah, I googled a bit about this but I'm not sure how to get rid of this warning. If you're a Gatsby wizz, help a sister out.