Register it: A more flexible register for the DeepLearning project.
The registry that provides name -> object mapping, to support classes and functions.
pip install register_it
To create a registry (e.g. a class registry and a function registry):
DATASETS = Registry(name="dataset")
EVALUATE = Registry(name="evaluate")
To register an object:
class MyModule(*args, **kwargs):
def my_func(*args, **kwargs):
DATASETS.register(name='mymodule', obj=MyModule)
EVALUATE.register(name='myfunc', obj=my_func)
To construct an object of the class or the function:
DATASETS = Registry(name="dataset")
# The callers of the DATASETS are from the module data, we need to manually import it.
EVALUATE = Registry(name="evaluate")
# The callers of the EVALUATE are from the module evaluate, we need to manually import it.