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Model Context Protocol modelcontextprotocol
An open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools.
Pere Martra peremartra
Ai Engineer, Deep Learning Specialist. Pursuing a MRes in AI. TensorFlow Certified Developer & Kaggle Expert.


EGOIST egoist
Indie Hacker

Umida Inc. China

0voice 0voice
Probably the most comprehensive and professional c/c++ course of the world


Jeff Geerling geerlingguy
Father, author, developer, maker. Sometimes called "an inflammatory enigma". #stl #drupal #ansible #k8s #raspberrypi #crohns

Midwestern Mac, LLC St. Louis, MO

yetone yetone

@BentoML Lyoko

yihong yihong0618
The best is yet to come.


Jack Herrington jherr
I'm the Blue Collar Coder on YouTube - and this is the code.

Myself Happy Valley, OR

Tw93 tw93
Be yourself and don't go with the flow.

HangZhou, China

ZhengCheng 1c7
常驻广州,为北京公司远程工作(2020年2月开始至今)以前做过字幕组(播放量 440 万)

奇绩创坛 MiraclePlus 广州

Alyssa X alyssaxuu
Designer, developer, & entrepreneur. Founder of Screenity + other ventures. Best woman maker of 2018 (Maker Mag) & nominated as Maker of The Year (Product Hunt)

London, UK

二丫讲梵 eryajf

Thank you follow me HangZhou

Tanner Linsley tannerlinsley
🎉TypeScript + React ⚛️Open Source💡UI/UX 💼Co-Founder @NozzleIO 🛠Owner @TanStack - #ReactQuery #ReactTable #ReactLocation #ReactCharts

@tanstack & @nozzle Utah

Kevin Junyang Cui kevinjycui
McGill University, B.Sc. Computer Science. Software Development. Sometimes known as Junferno on the internet

McGill University Toronto, Canada

Kyle Simpson getify
Kyle Simpson is a Human-Centric Technologist. He's fighting for the people behind the pixels.

Getify Solutions Austin, TX

Darius itsMapleLeaf
TS lover, rhythm gamer, EDM nerd, adorer of cute things


dan gaearon


Liyas Thomas liyasthomas
Titles don't mean anything. That's why I removed mine. I do what I love. Have a vision and everything is possible.

@hoppscotch Kerala, India

程序员依扬 yygmind

蚂蚁 杭州

Feross Aboukhadijeh feross
• Founder + CEO of Socket (@SocketDev) • Started @webtorrent and @standard • 100+ open source packages on npm • Stanford lecturer for Web Security

@SocketDev, @WebTorrent, @Standard Stanford, CA

Jiajun Huang jiajunhuang
Stand on the shoulders of giants, observing details of the world.


Francesc Campoy campoy
Software Engineer "Go guy"

Apple San Francisco

Robin Wieruch rwieruch
React & Next.js • JavaScript & TypeScript • Freelance Full-Stack Web Developer • Technical Co-Founder • Father of 2 • multiple-time GitHub Star


Sarah Drasner sdras
comprehension over configuration

Google All over the place

Jaume Sanchez spite
Web Dev, pixel burner - WebGL · WebXR

@google-deepmind London · Barcelona

削微寒 521xueweihan
时间会让「平凡的事」变得「与众不同」 Time will make ordinary things become extraordinary.

公众号:HelloGitHub Beijing, China

Kory Becker primaryobjects
Software Developer. Quantum Computing. Artificial Intelligence.

Primary Objects Philadelphia

OA Wu oawu


Email YouTube


Raymond Zhang MrZhang123
Software Engineer work on JavaScript, Golang and Vim.

ByteDance Beijing,China

tianyu xdtianyu
( Φ ω Φ )

SkyNet Xi'an, China

ちょまど | Madoka Chiyoda chomado
Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft.

Microsoft Tokyo, Japan / Redmond, WA, US

Jie Liang numbbbbb
Living in the moment.

Cresta Oakville, ON

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
叶小钗 yexiaochai


Jake Wharton JakeWharton

@cashapp / @square Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Fengda Huang phodal
I'm digging holes.

@thoughtworks Shanghai / Hangzhou, China