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BrowserSessionsTest and UpdatePasswordTest subbed tests fail #1013



  • Jetstream Version: 2.x (Tree: b14c1d7)
  • Jetstream Stack: Livewire
  • Uses Teams: no
  • Laravel Version: 9.x (tree: bffc647a06d5d1d1b49fd65749df91fc99144c19)
  • PHP Version: 8.1.4
  • Database Driver & Version: Tested SQLite and Postgres 14


In the latest 2.x branch 2 tests from stubs fail that seem to be relating to sessions (using both 9.5.1 and the latest 9.x branch of framework)

➜  example-app php artisan test

   PASS  Tests\Unit\ExampleTest
  ✓ that true is true

   WARN  Tests\Feature\ApiTokenPermissionsTest
  - api token permissions can be updated → API support is not enabled.

   PASS  Tests\Feature\AuthenticationTest
  ✓ login screen can be rendered
  ✓ users can authenticate using the login screen
  ✓ users can not authenticate with invalid password

   FAIL  Tests\Feature\BrowserSessionsTest
  ⨯ other browser sessions can be logged out

   WARN  Tests\Feature\CreateApiTokenTest
  - api tokens can be created → API support is not enabled.

   PASS  Tests\Feature\DeleteAccountTest
  ✓ user accounts can be deleted
  ✓ correct password must be provided before account can be deleted

   WARN  Tests\Feature\DeleteApiTokenTest
  - api tokens can be deleted → API support is not enabled.

   WARN  Tests\Feature\EmailVerificationTest
  - email verification screen can be rendered → Email verification not enabled.
  - email can be verified → Email verification not enabled.
  - email can not verified with invalid hash → Email verification not enabled.

   PASS  Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
  ✓ the application returns a successful response

   PASS  Tests\Feature\PasswordConfirmationTest
  ✓ confirm password screen can be rendered
  ✓ password can be confirmed
  ✓ password is not confirmed with invalid password

   PASS  Tests\Feature\PasswordResetTest
  ✓ reset password link screen can be rendered
  ✓ reset password link can be requested
  ✓ reset password screen can be rendered
  ✓ password can be reset with valid token

   PASS  Tests\Feature\ProfileInformationTest
  ✓ current profile information is available
  ✓ profile information can be updated

   WARN  Tests\Feature\RegistrationTest
  ✓ registration screen can be rendered
  - registration screen cannot be rendered if support is disabled → Registration support is enabled.
  ✓ new users can register

   PASS  Tests\Feature\TwoFactorAuthenticationSettingsTest
  ✓ two factor authentication can be enabled
  ✓ recovery codes can be regenerated
  ✓ two factor authentication can be disabled

   FAIL  Tests\Feature\UpdatePasswordTest
  ⨯ password can be updated
  ✓ current password must be correct
  ✓ new passwords must match


  • Tests\Feature\BrowserSessionsTest > other browser sessions can be logged out

  Session store not set on request.

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/Request.php:524
    520▕      */
    521▕     public function session()
    522▕     {
    523▕         if (! $this->hasSession()) {
  ➜ 524▕             throw new RuntimeException('Session store not set on request.');
    525▕         }
    527▕         return $this->session;
    528▕     }

      +32 vendor frames 
  33  tests/Feature/BrowserSessionsTest.php:21

  • Tests\Feature\UpdatePasswordTest > password can be updated

  Session store not set on request.

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/Request.php:524
    520▕      */
    521▕     public function session()
    522▕     {
    523▕         if (! $this->hasSession()) {
  ➜ 524▕             throw new RuntimeException('Session store not set on request.');
    525▕         }
    527▕         return $this->session;
    528▕     }

      +32 vendor frames 
  33  tests/Feature/UpdatePasswordTest.php:26

  Tests:  2 failed, 7 skipped, 23 passed
  Time:   2.20s

➜  example-app

Steps To Reproduce:

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
composer require laravel/jetstream:2.x-dev
php artisan jetstream:install livewire
npm install && npm run dev
php artisan migrate
php artisan test



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