DBAssets is a tool to quickly store and retrieve compromised credentials / hosts, the goal is to ease the management of credentials / hosts during a penetration testing engagment or a CTF.
Once an asset is selected from the TUI, the informations can be accessed through environnment variable and don't need to be typed over and over.
For CLI usage, see Wiki
pipx install git+https://github.com/lap1nou/db-assets
You can then add those two shell alias in your shell configuration file (.bashrc
, .zshrc
, ...):
alias dbcreds='(){
CREDS=$(dbassets tui creds);
export USER=$( echo "$CREDS" | sed "1q;d");
export PASSWORD=$( echo "$CREDS" | sed "2q;d");
export NT_HASH=$( echo "$CREDS" | sed "3q;d");
export DOMAIN=$( echo "$CREDS" | sed "4q;d");
alias dbhosts='(){
HOSTS=$(dbassets tui hosts);
export IP=$( echo "$HOSTS" | sed "1q;d");
export TARGET=$( echo "$HOSTS" | sed "1q;d");
export HOSTNAME=$( echo "$HOSTS" | sed "2q;d");
To see which user you are currently using, you can add the USER
environnment variable in your prompt, for example with Starship:
variable = "USER"
default = ''
style = "fg:bold red bg:#477069"
format = '[ $env_value ]($style)'
- Add / edit / delete credentials and hosts informations trough a CLI or a TUI
- Import file in various format (CSV, Pypykatz, ...)
- Keybinds customisation
The TUI (Terminal User Interface):
A typical workflow with DBAssets
A small configuration file can be used to customise the database name and keybinds for the TUI:
db_name = "DB.kdbx"
db_key_name = "db.key"
copy_username_clipboard = "f1"
copy_password_clipboard = "f2"
copy_hash_clipboard = "f3"
add_credential = "f4"
delete_credential = "f5"
edit_credential = "f6"
copy_ip_clipboard = "f1"
copy_hostname_clipboard = "f2"
add_host = "f3"
delete_host = "f4"
edit_host = "f5"
quit = "ctrl+c"
The configuration file must be in the home folder, in a .dbassets
poetry run pytest