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Deployment Tools

Sean McIlvenna edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 5 revisions


Command Parameters Description
migrate <server> Migrates data in previous versions of ToF to new versions of ToF
populate-from-auth0 <server> <domain> <token> Populates user (Practitioner) information in ToF based on user information entered in a matching
modify-permission <server> <modify> <type> <permission> [id] Adds/removes a permission to one or all resources
remove-extensions [server] Removes specified extensions from all resources on the server
remove-extras <directory> Removes extra properties from resources that aren't used by ToF. This should typically be executed only be ToF developers on in the tof-lib assets folder.
users Gets a list of all distinct users (Practitioner resources) in all of the FHIR servers specified


Use node main.js --help for list of commands and description of what they do.

Use node main.js <command> --help for help information on a specific command.