As a blogger
I want to share my thoughts with the world
so that everyone knows how brilliant I am
- blog post consists of title, author and post content
- all fields are required
- should not be able to create 2 posts with the same title
As a reader
I want to see the 10 most recent posts from my favorite blogger
so that I can keep up with their brilliance
- posts should be ordered with the newest at the top
- only want the previous 10
- want to see the title, a little of the post body, the name of the author, and the post date
As a reader
I want to read a full post
so that I have all of the details and can impress my neighbors
- accessible from the list of posts
- should be able to read the whole post body
As a reader
I want to leave comments on a blog post
so that everyone can see that I am as brilliant as the blogger
- should be able to leave many comments
- comment is some text, and name of the person leaving the comment
- should be able to see all comments, ordered with the oldest comment at the top
To complete this assignment, you need to:
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork onto your machine with
git clone
- Write code
- Push your work to your forked repository with
git push
- Submit a pull request WITH YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE
Leave us a GitHub issue, email an instructor, or grab one before/after the next class.