House Price Prediction with XGBoost This project focuses on predicting house prices using the XGBoost algorithm, leveraging Python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn.
Overview The project follows these major steps:
Data Loading and Inspection:
Loads the dataset (house_tiny.csv). Prints the first few rows, shape, info, and statistical summary of the dataset. Checks for missing values and handles them appropriately. Data Preprocessing:
Fills missing values in 'Item_Weight' with the mean. Fills missing values in 'Outlet_Size' based on the mode grouped by 'Outlet_Type'. Standardizes values in 'Item_Fat_Content' for consistency. Encodes categorical features using LabelEncoder. Data Visualization:
Visualizes distributions and counts of various features using histograms and count plots. Provides insights into 'Item_Weight', 'Item_Visibility', 'Item_MRP', 'Item_Outlet_Sales', 'Outlet_Establishment_Year', 'Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Type', and 'Outlet_Size'. Model Building and Evaluation:
Prepares data for modeling by splitting into training and testing sets. Utilizes XGBoostRegressor to train a model on the prepared data. Evaluates model performance using R-squared score on both training and test datasets. Technologies Used Python Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, XGBoost. Development Environment: Jupyter Notebook, Python scripts. File Structure house_tiny.csv: Dataset containing house-related features. Project documentation providing an overview of the project, steps involved, and technologies used. Python script for data visualization. Python script for data preprocessing, modeling, and evaluation. Setup Instructions Clone the repository: git clone cd house-price-prediction
Install dependencies: pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn xgboost Run the scripts or notebooks to reproduce the results or modify as per your requirements.
Conclusion This project serves as a comprehensive example of data preprocessing, visualization, modeling, and evaluation using XGBoost for predicting house prices based on various features.