Poshot is a script that suggests a certain workflow with screenshots. It does the following:
1. make and save a screenshot
2. [optionally] copy to clipboard
3. [optionally] optimize it
4. [optionally] OCR it
The optional items are being run only if you have a software that can do the job, thus providing a gradual degradation.
The tool creates a ~/screenshots directory, with the following structure:
|-- .optimized
|-- 1455484949_2016.02.15_00:22:29.png
|-- 1455484949_2016.02.15_00:22:29.txt
|-- 1607071986_2020.12.04_11:53:06.png
`-- 1607071986_2020.12.04_11:53:06.txt
The .optimized file contains names of the files that have been compressed, so that you whould be able to tell which files can be yet optimized, and which not.
Every file, as long as it had been recognized, is paired by .txt file with it's textual content. This files enables you search your screenshots by their textual content.
SCREENSHOT_DIR Where to save screenshot images. Defaults to ~/screenshots
SCREENSHOT_DOCKER_HOST If defined, screenshot will try using docker for image optimization first. The variable follows the format of docker's DOCKER_HOST variable.
The screenshot utility exits with one of the following values:
0 Success. Screenshot was created
1 Failure. Screenshot could not be captured
Shoot full screen:
$ screenshot full
Shoot window under focus:
$ screenshot focused
Let user select an area to be saved:
$ screenshot selected
Use docker on remote server for screenshot compression:
$ SCREENSHOT_DOCKER_HOST=ssh:// screenshot <mode>
If you want to set screenshot to try use your local docker for screenshot compression first, point SCREENSHOT_DOCKER_HOST to local socket:
$ export SCREENSHOT_DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
You can place this line somewhere into ~/.profile or ~/.zprofile to keep this setting.
You might want to bind this to your DE/WM/hotkey daemon. For example, you can configure i3wm by addind the following lines to ~/.config/i3/config:
bindsym Print exec screenshot full
bindsym Shift+Print exec screenshot select
bindsym $mod+Shift+Print exec screenshot focused
If can use the following snippet to open all images containing certain text in sxiv. This is how you might search for all images with the word "bookmark":
$ grep -rlI bookmark ~/screenshots | sed 's/txt$/png/g' | sxiv -tio
Of course, you can adapt this snippet for the viewer of your choice.
maim(1), xdotool(1), scrot(1), gm(1), import(1)
No known bugs.
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