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laincode edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 2 revisions



Command-line tool using Shodan API. Generates and downloads CSV results, diffing of historic scanning results, alerts and monitoring of specific ports/IPs, etc.




Install requirements: $pip install -r requirements.txt

Set your API Key, paths and smtp info in configuration file:





-h, --help            show this help message and exit

--mail=MAIL           Send email with results and alerts

-a                    Attach csv results to an email

Scanning Options:

--si=SCANINPUT      Scan an IP/netblock

--sf=SCANFILE       Scan an IP/netblock from file

--force             Force Shodan to re-scan the provided IPs

-l                  List previously submitted scans

Searching Options:

-i GETINFO          Get all information of an IP/netblock

-f GETINFOFROMFILE  Get all information of an IP/netblock from file

--history           Return all Historical Banners

--diff              Detect New Services Published

--output=OUTPUT     Output results in csv format

Monitoring in Real-Time:

--ca=ADDALERT       Create network alerts for the IP/netblock

--cf=ADDALERTFILE   Create network alerts from file

--la                List of all the network alerts activated

--da=DELALERT       Remove the specified network alert

--subs=SUBSALERTS   Subscribe to the Private Horse Streaming

--monport=MONPORT   Monitoring for High Risk Services

--mondiff           Monitoring for New Services Published

--montag=MONTAG     Tags (ex: compromised, doublepulsar, self-signed)

--get=GET           Protocols, services, ports and tags supported


Scan IPs/netblocks:

./shodanseeker --si 'X.X.X.X X.X.X.X/24'

Scan IPs/netblocks from a file:

./shodanseeker --sf 'pathfilename'

List previously submitted scans:

./shodanseeker -l

Get all information of IP/netblocks:

./shodanseeker -i 'X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y/24 Z.Z.Z.Z'

Get all information from a file of IPs/netblocks:

./shodanseeker -f 'pathfilename' 

Get all historical banners:

./shodanseeker -i 'X.X.X.X' --history    

Detect new services published:

./shodanseeker -i 'X.X.X.X' --diff

Output results in csv format:

./shodanseeker -f 'pathfilename' [--history|--diff] --output csv       

Send email with csv results attached:

./shodanseeker -i 'X.X.X.X' --diff --output csv --mail toaddr -a       

Create network alerts for the IP/netblock:

./shodanseeker --ca Name 'X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y/24'                          

Create network alerts from file:

./shodanseeker --cf Name 'pathfilename'

List of all the network alerts activated on the account:

./shodanseeker --la         

Remove the specified network alert:

./shodanseeker --da [alertid|all]  

Subscribe to the Streaming and monitoring for high risk services:

./shodanseeker --subs [alertid|all] --monport '3389 22' [--mail toaddr]  

Subscribe to the Streaming and monitoring for new services published:

./shodanseeker --subs [alertid|all] --mondiff [--mail toaddr]

Subscribe to the Streaming and monitoring for tags (ex: compromised, doublepulsar, self-signed):

./shodanseeker --subs [alertid|all] --montag 'compromised' [--mail toaddr]

List of (protocols,services,ports,tags) supported:

./shodanseeker --get [protocols|services|ports|tags]  
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