Operating System
Windows 11
Patcher Program Version
Built on latest nightly of 0.1.0
Installation Type
Repack or other automated installation
Describe the problem
I am using the Sims 2 Starter Pack (basically Sims 2 Ultimate Collection from Origin). Now, this may be totally a me problem in which case feel free to close the issue. But I figure I will report it just in case. So, I ran the tool in Ubuntu within WSL. I had to grant admin read/write to the folder but it worked. However, the game hangs during the initial loading screen while the music just plays. I am using the Clean UI Startship UI which is most likely not compatible with your mod. I am also launching using Sims 2 RPC. But since I don't know the code, I figure I would report it. See the pic below to see where it hangs: